If you like breasts buy it. No matter what language your mouth speaks, it was born ready to suck on a tit. Nah, seriously though the game is pretty dope. It is an action game, and it has some cool Japanese settings. I like it because I am trying to learn Japanese, so I like listening to them speak, while I try to read…
I just like feeling like I have the ball park right in the palm of my hands. Is it ok to like product placement? I like seeing all the Japanese products and company names written all over the park, 'cause I actually buy shit with those names and logos on them here in Japan. Also, the pitching worked fine for me.
I bet the next generation of games will look better in crazy subtle ways... especially when you are playing... like draw distances... lights that swing and move and are no longer stationary... real reflections in water, as opposed to fake reflections... things moving in the wind like cloth, trees, plants... foot…
The Vita is the best Hand Held Gaming Device ever made. It is like having a PS3 in the palm of your hand. Absolutely amazing. I was blown away when I bought it thinking it would be only slightly better than the 3DS and have access to different games. I almost totally stopped playing games on all my other systems. It…
Tell me about it... I studied Spanish for 5 Years... Cinco Anos... Including one year in college, only to later drop out, and join the Navy, and get stationed in Japan. Spanish doesn't do me one bit of good over here, except to say, that once a guy in a Spanish bar in Japan bought me una cervesa because I spoke so…
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I live in Japan, with my Japanese wife and son. I have lived here for over 5 years, and I study Japanese almost everyday, and here's what I think. If you write Ai No Hito that would mean Love's People or Love's Person. If you wrote Hito No Ai, that would mean People's Love or A Person's…
Imagine Skyrim, only without a story, where you can't fight Dragons, only Mudcrabs. Then, you will have an idea of the distaste this preview just left in my mouth. Yuck.
I feel what Cage is saying about games set in fantasy worlds and relying on powers, and magic, and how that doesn't translate well to the reality or drama of our day to day lives. Looking at that picture of that lady laying in the snow with the cop car in the background does eerily remind me of my life growing up in…
I'm White. In Japan, I am the minority. I have lived here 5 years our of my 33 year life. Gaijin is a racist word to me, but it honestly means foreigner. Before that, I grew up about an hour west of Detroit, where I was called the PO-LICE, White Boy, and other derogatory things because of my skin color. If you ever…
It would be cool to fight big ass Dragons... One thing that Dragons Dogma had going for it... It is no Skyrim, mind you... but climbing up that big red dragons legs at the start was pretty dope as fuck...
Not Saints Row 2... 4 Words...
@katiecouric look here...
All that talk... Wall of Text... I am sure that GTA5 is dope as fuck, right? Who isn't sure of that? My question is, can you go in the liquor store and by blunts and beer? Can you create your own character, aka little baby gangster EricSan? If not, then they still haven't gotten something right, something that Saint's…
True True... LOL... Fucktards... Why they fucking up my beloved...