
Unless Patrick Stewart is there to ask me personally again, I am not so sure that I even want to stop a merger between Oblivion and Tamriel. In Skyrim, I searched far and wide for even one instance to return to the hellish planes once more. I wonder if the games designers even realize this possibility, and are

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Yo, Oblivion didn't take a year to come out... I browsed the 360 section for a few months, picking up and setting down Tony Hawk: American Wasteland for a month or two at best, until I bought Oblivion's collector's edition, complete with an actual physical Septim, little did I know what that was at the time mind you.

The Wii U is current gen tech showing up at the next gen's baby shower. Hope you brought flowers Nintendo... maybe some of those Daisys you're starting to push up...

Meh... No, scratch that... FUCKING WACK!


After attending art school three times, and dropping out three times, this is what I learned, and have to say, and I think it equally applies to all artistic fields, be it music, dance, theater, fine art, etc...

George, don't despair, just take a 3D picture with the 3DS... of mountains, forests, cities, your fiancée, her breasts, or anything else that looks wonderful in 3D. Some cell phones have this capability too, so it looks like a bright future for you... as long as you can get the rest of your brain to work as good as

LOL... Like how people lock their doors to keep crooks out, but ignore the huge glass window next to it... like criminals have a moral obligation against breaking glass... the bad luck thing only applies to mirrors... duh!

I know, and that sucks, right?

"The game will have the enjoyment of exploring the world."

Heros in a half-shell...Turtle Power!

"Nintendo was right about this stuff. I think they saw the demise of the TV coming.

I still want my Saint's Row Dogs and Cats!

That's what's up!

Nice Fucking Post!

Jason, Jezebel is that way. Kotaku is the boy's club house and we still like boobs over here.

I hear a lot of people arguing for bonus' to be based on sales, but what about games like Sim City, where many people may have purchased it, pre-ordered it, etc, expecting it to be pretty much what it is... with out the suck... Can't game developers test games to eliminate the problems before they try to sell it?

Francis is so Gangsta... Keep it up playa!

I live in Japan, and I played a lot of these titles, or at least thought about getting them. Harvest Moon was pretty dope. Hell, a lot of these games were/are. Personally, I had a problem with Harvest Moon's character customization though. There was no option to have a bald head, thus I had to make my little man look

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Hello again, I am not really writing back to disagree or to try to argue anything further. I agree with most of what you wrote. I just like talking to you, and I agree that there is a human need to socialize. My life is severely lacking in that area, so I use Kotaku as and outlet of sorts for that. I just want to