Actually, it describes the game pretty well. Is the game necessary? No. Then again, are they ever? Ask the developers why they made a chi chi game. I just bought it with monopoly money.
Actually, it describes the game pretty well. Is the game necessary? No. Then again, are they ever? Ask the developers why they made a chi chi game. I just bought it with monopoly money.
I am not well paid, or recognized world wide, for being a dope ass artist, but do I let that stop me from creating dope ass art. Fuck, no! I just made this shit yesterday, sitting here isolated in my lonely ass apartment in Japan. I don't need anyone else to validate me... to tell me who I am. Sometimes, I love that I…
Yo, I am not trying to diss you, or anyone with Dysphoria. I was just trying to help. A lot of us have issues. and I was trying to point that out, so they don't feel alone. Pain touches all of us, you know? The difference is, some people talk about it, cry about it, complain about it, and some don't. In the Navy,…
Modders are great, I hope they can do something to fix Elder Scrolls Online. From what I hear, the whole of Tamriel will not be explorable, as previously suggested. In fact, it will be segregated by race, much like American drinking fountains back in the day. I for one do not want my beloved Tamriel, to look like…
Modders are great, I hope they can do something to fix Elder Scrolls Online. From what I hear, the whole of Tamriel will not be explorable, as previously suggested. In fact, it will be segregated by race, much like American drinking fountains back in the day. I for one do not want my beloved Tamriel, to look like…
Yeah, but think about this. You might think your whole life is a big ball of shit, right? Then, next week, you join boot camp and realize what a truly shitty life is like. You might think that gender issues create pain, but it is not the same as getting shot. That is all I am saying. All our problems feel like shit,…
I bet these dudes made it just so they can claim to star in a video game... Personally, I star in Saints Row, and I didn't even have to rap for it. Remember this shit...
I live in Japan, and here is my take on Japanese games. Some things they do great. JRPG's earned their own abbreviation by being great, and by being different, for example. Some things, they fail terribly at. I am a white man with a shaved head. Where is the bald head hairstyle choice in Harvest Moon: A New Beginning?…
Damn, now that I finally found something I like, there isn't a like button.
"It’s Easy To Kill Monsters. Fearing Or Respecting Them? That’s Another Story."
Then again, Black Ops 2 came out, and it is a whole new fucking game, right not just DLC. In fact, it has DLC of its own. I hear you, you know? I get your point too. I like when a company supports their games, even more, when the patches and DLC are free. I also like when they make new games. I would buy Battlefield 4…
This mother fucker is always funny as fuck. Yo, I wish this fool was on my friends list when I get Elder Scrolls Online later this year. I swear he would make any game twice as dope, funny, and more fun. LMFAO @ "FIX YOUR FUCKING GAME!" I feel you Francis. I fucking feel you man... My Hero...
Yeah, I got one on Saturday. It is pretty dope, so far. I feel more connected to the gaming world too, cause now when I buy those PS magazines in 7/11, I can get any of the Vita games too. There are a lot of Anime games, and visual novels, and other shit out here in Japan. I am pretty happy... This is definitely not…