I bought the Vita, and this game, on Saturday, out here in Japan.
I bought the Vita, and this game, on Saturday, out here in Japan.
I've been saying it... The Japanese need help with English. I live out here. I know. I saw an add for a touch screen game in which you have to "Frick" the screen. Um, it's flick, yo. Another thing they mess up bad is the letter V. They think it is the same as a B. I seen this shit today, in an Anime.
Amazing. I read all THAS THIT wrong.
Oblivion. Flat out. Fighting your way through the rather linear Imperial Prison Sewer, just makes it that much more mind blowing when they finally drop the whole fucking world on you. Stepping out of the sewers, and looking at the vastness of the Cyrodiil, is one of the most amazing moments I have ever had in gaming,…
I would take D&D. I would take the Players Handbook, Monster Manual, DM Guide, and shitload of graph paper, dice, pencils, and a knife to sharpen them with. With those simple ingredients, you could cook up a lifetime worth of gaming, and you'd have plenty of time to do so. By the way, stop wiping your ass on my graph…
I have been called E-Money, but never ラナガンさん. Sorry.
I live out here, but I am an American. I like the shit I get at 7/11... LOL. It is probably terrible Sushi, if it even qualifies. I mostly get California Rolls, or this other kind that is really Chicken with Mayo. It is pretty good, though, and I get it a lot, often with a bag of potato chips on the side. Hey, I said…
Yo, that real sound game reminds me of this game I just bout the other day. For those who don't know, I live in Japan. Anyway, I bought this thing in the clearance section of a Mr. Max. That is kinda like a Target, in the States. It cost 300 Yen, or about 3 bucks. It was a key chain, audio only, Street Fighter two…
"It asks you what's in your drawers, and then makes it obvious you're about to kill a bunch of animals in sacrifice—in the hopes that darker powers take you away from your miserable life."
You smell like wolf pussy, lol...
You were never allowed to. That's what killed off Detroit. Well, that's one of the things. Ever hear of buying domestic? It matters, just ask anyone in Michigan. I grew up to facing poverty, and so did all my friends. It sucks.They'll let you know. Ironically, I joined the Navy to get the fuck out of there, and I got…
I know that is true for a normal PC, but I thought that Gaming PC's were built for gaming, aka optimized to do one set of skills, as opposed to general "PCing", though I am sure they can do that too.
Sonic should stay running, always. Sure let him bounce, jump, loose his rings, die, but make all that shit happen at 90 miles per hour. Nothing is worse than Sonic hitting a wall, and having to start walking back up to speed again. He is meant to fly. Einstein said nothing can go faster than the speed of light, but he…
How about a domestic company that uses domestic workers?
Americans have things called L's and R's though, did they learn that shit? No. They just put it together since there is a letter like that in Japanese. らりるれろ could be Ra Ri Ru Re Ro, or La Li Lu Le Lo, sort of like an L and an R had babies. I know this. I learned to read their letters, though, I'll admit that I am…
Yeah, Japan needs to be careful how closely they mimic American business trends, ne!