I like them. I fee like making some. I have so many other projects going right now though... man... one day, maybe.
I like them. I fee like making some. I have so many other projects going right now though... man... one day, maybe.
Yeah. All these angry people act like I won't get very far in Japan acting like that. Bitch, I am not a business man, and I don't want to be one. First, I would never put my income, my life's finances, etc. in someone else's hands. Second, I haven't met anyone ready to kiss my ass and treat me like the God damned boss…
Yo, you could always order Japanese version of the Vita. It is only like 200 bones now, and then you could just order all the games from Japan. If you are thinking, "but then I couldn't understand it," you are talking to the wrong dude. In you life, the Vita would be the only aspect that is in Japanese. In mine,…
I get my money from America, because I used to be a soldier for them, and now I am disabled. I don't have to work here, I just live here, and give them money. They should respect me, if anything. I do respect them, though. I was just making a point. The point is, you shouldn't try to be Japanese. You should just be…
You can try, I have been doing it for a year now, ever since I moved back to Japan. It is still fun, but I wish I knew what the fuck they were saying, not to mention, what is going on. Oh well, I could get the English version, but then I will never learn Japanese. This way, hopefully in 2020, I will understand. Me and…
LOL... I love Japan. I live here after all, I just refuse to apologize to them for being me. I try hard to learn Japanese, and to respect their culture, but I am not gonna be all up on anyone's nuts. My frequent nut sack rider miles are still 0. Besides, why would you be all worried about their culture, when they…
Oh, come on. I am not rude to Japanese people. I am actually really fucking polite, most of the time. I was just trying to make a point. I have lived in Japan, for like 6 years, on and off. My wife, and son, are Japanese. I served in the Navy out here. I sailed with the Japanese fleet, and slept next to Japanese…
Sure did Nigga Kun... but, to you, I am Eric Samma... Wow, that sound's so fucking bad, I feel like deleting it... but it fits so well... Just so this is clear for all in attendance. I AM NOT RACIST, at all. It's just that this brother named himself Nigga, and Kun is the Japanese version of calling him son. Still,…
You could, pretend that you're Japanese, learn and respect their culture, or not. You could get off their damn nuts, and realize that they are not pretending to be you, they haven't learned your culture, and they don't respect it. You could, just grab the card one handed, shove it in your pocket, not even carry any of…
LOL... I thought that shit was funny too...
Hell yeah. I've been waiting for this shit since Lawnmower Man.
Yo, it does... I re-watched it, but I still think my mistake was worth making, just because the idea of aiming at people with your nose was so fucking funny to me.
You could always move, make a change, step your wallet's game up, ne? I came out here with a fucking suitcase last year, and that's it. Now, we just inherited my father-in-law's house, God bless his soul, along with the bamboo forest attached to it. How many of those do you have? Honestly, it is probably too late for…
I guess you're fucking right. Good job! Though, snot rockets are still funny, the humor in it alone, makes my mistake worth making, imo.
Thanks. I suppose you're right. I think that when you start country bashing, you are grouping an awful lot of shit together, in one dis. You are right when you say there are messed up aspects to all countries, and the people that inhabit them. There are days, and things, that I absolutely hate about Japan too. The…
Depends... Do you want to go hard, or go home? By the way, sounds like you could use some of this...
You could say the Occulus Rift is straight from the future, or from dreams I had 15 years ago, and therefore pretty late.
Yo. I am really hype for the Oculus Rift. This video gave me some funny ass new thoughts though. First, it does seem like first person games, including first person shooters, for the most part, would be a perfect match, right? Well sort of. Maybe on a Wii, and I hate saying that, 'cause I hate the fucking Wii. On a…
Even if Japan's cars are insanely better, does that justify letting your brothers and sisters go bankrupt, starve, and rot? What if everything was made better, outside of the US? Would you stop buying US goods period? That would slowly kill and starve the country from the inside out. No business would sell shit, they…