
Well, of course you can choose to believe him over me. I have lived here for like 6 odd years, I am married to a Japanese woman, etc. What do I know, right?

I love Michigan more than you. You didn't even bother to capitalize it. I'm from there, and I represent it. I have represented it for years. If you have ever been in the military, you know how everyone comes from different places with slightly different styles and shit. I was that guy from Michigan, for years, and I

"Honda and Toyota, as you should know are being built here in the Good 'Ol U.S. of A."

Yeah, but Toyota's money doesn't stay in Michigan, or the US... They pay their workers, sure, but the profits go home to daddy.

Yeah, but the money doesn't go there... They pay their workers, sure, but the profits go home to daddy.

Damn strait... LOL...

They are bigger than a "rack" inside a navy ship. To all those people saying, "Human beings were not meant to live like that.", remember that many Americans have lived in worse conditions than that, while serving the country. Amazingly we still give the good jobs to college brats, who lived in cozy dorms rooms on

I can really relate to a lot of what you wrote. Where do you live in Japan. I live in Yamaguchi.

Don't forget this one...

I live in Japan. I got an Xbox 360, just because I like the way the clicker feels in my hands more. I do have a PS3 though too. The Xbox 360 section is fucking tiny in comparison to the PS3 section, no matter where you shop for games. I get my Xbox 360 games online.

Is it possibly so you can marry your favorite Jezebel? Who doesn't want to wife Lydia, after fighting all those battles with her?

Now playing

I want to take this opportunity to point out how much I like having real time lighting, light sources, and shadows in my games. Sure, that is related to graphics, I know. But, I also think it has a lot to do with the tech underneath too. I love holding a torch in a game, using a flash light, etc. Deep Down looked

Yeah, but he couldn't even see what he drew. But that boy back in the oven, and don't bring him back till he's done, or melted. No offense to any self aware robots out there... I wonder if they worry about the handicapped members of their kind. Humans would certainly stick up for retarded people being melted. Maybe I

Forgive me. I am a gaming PC noob. I bought one, since I am moving, and I am setting up a man cave in my new crib, and the Elder Scrolls Online is coming out. I am pretty lonely out here in Japan, so I though a good new MMO would fill some of my social void. However, I haven't moved yet. I got the PC in the mail, I am

What about masturbation? Is busting in one stroke, really better than ten minutes of fine tuning? Now that is a fucking question, ne?

I have read all these articles. The worst part about this game to me, is that my copy still hasn't arrived in the mail. I live in Japan, and I ordered it last month, prior to all this disappointing info, and it has taken a while for this game, or should I say POS, to arrive. I am still looking forward to it, holding

Awe, is someone crying because they have to step their game up? Wa Wa Wa, Bitch if you don't like your job, or can't do it, go back to bagging fucking groceries. There is always someone more willing, and more capable, of making dope ass art. Look at all the artists world wide who make excellent art for nothing, or

Sounds like Lara Fucked Vaas. Ahem, I mean it sounds like Far Cry 3 nibbled on a certain Tomb Raider's earlobe. Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity. It is doing the same thing over and over again. Do you have what it takes to fucking KILL!

LOL... That's what the fuck I thought too. Are they trying to say their graphics suck? LMFAO... My wife is looking at me strangely...

Good Point... The single stroke is noteworthy...