
Yeah. I have an AU phone, out here in Japan. I don't know if they even have AT&T, but I fucking doubt it. They do have great cell phone coverage, and I'll bet that what this is for. Like if you don't have an ISP at home, you can just opt to use it over a cell phone network, for added cost of course. Problem is, I do

I haven't smoked in over a year, sadly. I live in Japan, ne? I don't want to do a 3 year bid for a fucking joint. What I do want to do, is to smoke a fucking joint.

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Well, no, not exactly. I mean the whole point of the game would be living through an interactive story of meeting an awakening AI who becomes self aware. I am not saying to make a wack ass game, mind you. It is sort of hard to explain. Imagine a PS1 game, where the graphics and physics are sort of basic, but not too

Well, I think of the AI as being a sort of advanced Lydia. I don't think it would have to be too advanced, it really is an AI, after all. I think if you just included like a thousand hours of random dialog and super ass memory skills then it could pass. Plus, I am thinking that the majority of the game would be

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OK, will do. I just looked at it. Out here, in Japan, there are some dope ass looking Anime games already, and a few more releasing soon, like some "Tales" titles. I can get one as soon as I get paid on the 1st. I am a disabled vet, so I get that Government Cheese. I agree that the 3G version is probably doper, I am

I understand plenty, but that doesn't mean I choose to believe the same shit as you. Also, even if we believe exactly the same thing, we might chose to express things differently. For example, I think that we both think that the Wii U was released at the same time, but I would never call it next gen. I would agree if

You could be right... I wonder what the fuck happened to make it change so rapidly?

Yeah, I know I paid more for it. I dropped like 2 G's on it, but I bought a bunch of shit I didn't need, like a huge monitor, and expensive ass keyboard, mouse, and headphones? Why? I don't know... I just kept clicking... LOL...

Even gaming PC's? Isn't that basically what consoles are?

That's why I am asking, though I do have a rough idea what they mean and do, but I am clueless as to how they compare.

Can you clarify it for me? I might get one. I live in Japan, and I would get it just for the great Anime titles that are sure to come out for it soon, if they are not out already. I just don't get what is even different about the two versions...

This makes me feel like the tech is finally ready for one of my ideas for a game. Listen to this, and tell me what you think. Ok, it doesn't really matter what genre it is, because pretty soon that genre will almost completely disappear anyway, but let's just say it is an open world shooter, like Saint's Row, or GTA.

Maybe this tech will help game developers make the first person perspective look more realistic in games, like it does in real life. I am talking about your arms sinking into vanishing points, the inclusion of your torso and your legs, and people's bodies stretching way down to touch the floor. Hopefully this tech

I want to add something related to the price cut on the Japanese Vita. Perhaps I am more aware of this than others, the depreciation of Yen. I live out here in Japan. I get some disability payments for being a Veteran of the US Army and US Navy, and my money is issued in US Dollars. For about a year now, I have felt

I always wondered, like what if you grow a beard, would that fuck up the facial recognition? Also, what about Muslim women who cover their faces? I guess they have to sin to play certain games...

Yo, I watched that shit. I REALLY liked it. It reminded me of when I first played Oblivion on 360. I was literally blown away by how dope it looked. Particularly the way the torch light was emitting through the dungeon. It was amazing in a way that I haven't seen in about 6-7 years. Now, THAT SHIT, that shit is next

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No women, but plenty of bitches... bring the hate... LOL... I am just fucking around. "Justin's a woman, and I don't see it that way."

I just bought a new Alienware... Here are the specs... Are they doper than the PS4?

I just bought a new Alienware... Here are the specs... Are they doper than the PS4?

I like how Saints Row lets you customize your main protagonist, even his voice. That way it is your own fucking fault if you don't have a black protagonist. Personally, I picked the white bald dude with the black voice. That fits me best in real life. Good article though, I thought that black dude in FFXIII was wack