LOL... I just felt like being a little meaner today. My inbox is empty. Why can't you get replies when you are nice?
LOL... I just felt like being a little meaner today. My inbox is empty. Why can't you get replies when you are nice?
Since when was 10 bucks expensive? Step your game up people... SHIT! But, y'all don't really hear me tho... do you?
I recently bought an Alienware. It isn't the most expensive PC out there, and also I opted not to try to build one myself. You see, I live in Japan, and I didn't want to deal with the language barrier, or waste a bunch of time and money building something that may or may not actually work. Anyway, Japan has an…
I mean, some people's differences are dramatically pronounced like a Black dude who is dark as shit, or an Asian with really "Asian" eyes, etc. However, some people's differences are less obvious. My son is 50 percent White, and 50 percent Japanese. We were talking about my heritage the other day. I am a White Boy all…
It's OK, to be a dick about THINGS.
Here's another track summing up the problem... "What part to you play? Who do you oppress?" Anyone here bought an Apple product? How about a Wii U? Ever heard of Foxconn? Yeah, me too.
OK. Here are my two cents. People blame games. People blame guns. People blame music and movies. What about blaming themselves? What about blaming society? What about the media, by which I mean the news, news papers, and other places people discuss the state of our world. Sure, I get upset when Promethean Knights…
LOL... Right On... Nanosuits can't fuck with the Saint's! I'm STILL the baddest mother fucker in Stilwater! Blocka! Blocka!
You could do that in Saints Row 2, with no nanosuit.
This one's even better... Too bad You Tube is acting like hoes about the copyrights... Check it out at this link... You will love it...
Some people just don't realize how dope horses can be...
I'll let you know, when I get it. I would say right now, that I fucking doubt it. You see, Japanese games come out first in Japan, like Bravely Default: Flying Fairy, and Ni No Kuni. Ni No Kuni has been out for like a year now. Then, they translate it into English, and once they are done, they release it stateside.…
I don't understand anything you just said. Try using a few "I's" instead of so many "you's" when you speak. I quote "you know they are trying to BS you," and "Sure, you're running a con on them." I take it you meant to write "I know they are trying to BS me, Seriously Mike," and "Sure, I am running a con on them."…
I am not trying to attack you. I am tired of arguing on Kotaku. I am not even 100% disagreeing with your belief that the world, and everything in it sucks. My question to though is if you feel that way, what are you doing to improve things? I do my best to teach Japanese people English, when I can, to teach them…
Man, Fire Emblem has been out for a grip, out here in Japan. I have picked it up a few times, read the back, and set it down. I was turned off, by its strategy nature. The fact that I can't read in Japanese very well means that my strategy would be almost none existent. Listen to my characters in their barracks, you…
Kirby’s Creator Isn’t Thrilled with Video Game Storytelling
I haven't been arrested, and I have lived here for almost 5 years. Besides, your irritation, or expectation, that your public defender doesn't speak a word of English wouldn't survive more than a month or two. You see, that is about how long it takes to realize that no one speaks a word of English out here, so you…