
Me and my brother bought a PS1 jointly. Back then, the 1 wasn't needed. We pooled our christmas cash, and went out to Best Buy. We had just enough cash for one game. I convinced him that we should get Tekken. Not Tekken 6... not Tekken Tag Tournament 2, just Tekken, back when there was only one of those too. It's

LOL... Shit, I made my graphics in 5 min. They could have easily done it, if they were just smart enough to think about it. Sadly, they weren't, so I made it for them. At least, because of me, we can sort of see it, ne?

You don't have to thank me... I was only being decent...

Funny how you capitalized Geo, aka Gay O, but you didn't capitalize God, when you took His name in vain. Watch Glee much? You see, when I grew up, being gay wasn't the new cool thing, it wasn't hip, or a popular new fad to try out. It was gay. I am not hating on people that are homosexual. It might seem like I am, but

Well, I have started learning it, but it is still really easy to tune out. Plus, I suppose they say different shit, based upon their different culture, and the difference in attitude that results in. For example, any time I go out in public, I am always stared at like a movie star, or zoo attraction. I suppose, if I

No thanks is required. I was just being a decent human being.

An artist's impression of the Xbox 720 logo... Let's get ready to RUUuuumble! P.S. The artist is me...

Nice... Thanks, Greg.

I want one... By the way, was I the only one hoping that planet at the beginning, would turn into a pinball and come shooting down and hit me in the face? Oh, I was, damn. Humanity is always letting me down... LOL...

Great Article Hussein, I am from Michigan too. I live in Japan now, with my Japanese wife and son. I knew many Arabs in my neighborhood, growing up. I think the mitten, has many more of your people than the rest of the US. It was an honor to meet, get to know so many, and even befriend quite a few. I learned all about

I realize that you are probably talking about advice to give beginners, trying to give them tools to help them out, as beginners, that could help them make better art, but still. There are no fucking rules to art. You know what I would tell a beginner. Rule One: Art is easy, and no matter what anyone try's to tell

I live in Japan. I have a 7 year old son. He doesn't even get a school bus. I just asked him..."Hey, does anyone at your school ride the bus?" His reply "mmm, mmm" AKA No. I asked him "So, you have never seen a bus, at your school?" His reply "mmm, mmm. Only Kindergarden get's one." You have to understand something

I am implying that, yes.

No. That is not why. I am not calling people idiots because they don't play games like I do, I am calling them idiots, because they are idiots, and for being idiots. I honestly don't know why people are idiots. I wouldn't want to be one. I do hope you realize that when talking about a species, there are always

Nude Female Mod... Yeah... I really ordered my Alienware so I can play The Elder Scrolls Online, since my current laptop is pretty weak.

That's what I was trying to say... I define it that way, and by that definition, your right, the Wii was never current gen, even when it came out. I realized that about 6 years ago, when I bought my first big screen HDTV. I was out buying HDMI cables and shit... I bought one for my PS3, my 360, and I was trying to buy

Wow. This was great. Such a smart woman. She points out many truths about gaming that most people/games fail to fucking grasp. She talks about how as a player, you are playing as you. That is why I love playing as myself, and hate playing as a pre-made dude, that often fails to represent me. I love Saint's Row. I

It's like that fake shark from Jaws. Once you think about it, it is obviously fake. But, when you show people a big ass version of something that scares them to death, thinking has left the building. I wouldn't be so quick to call them stupid either, especially when you are walking down the street carrying a sniper

Well then sir, I take that you are no gangster. Context my good man, makes a world of difference. If you had slid your quotation marks slightly to the left, the sentence becomes clear. In full, I wrote "Gangsters hate Cops. We want to shoot them, run away from them, and blow up their cars with RPG's." If you don't,