
Great. Now lets get the rest of us up there.

Nice choice of photos...

I recently got an Alienware gaming PC. I can't wait to dive into Skyrim again, this time with mods.

The title of the article...

Phelps should have never been on rails, and he should have never been a cop, that's how the devs went off the rails, and fucked up another great open world crime game.

Sorry, but it looks an awful lot like Skyrim to me.

That is pretty amazing. Too bad the rest of the game wasn't. Like how Cole couldn't whip out his gun and waste mother fuckers at will. I went back to Saints Row 2 way too soon. My point is that they put all this fancy shmancy tech in there, but forgot the basic rules that make games fun. One, Gangsters hate Cops. We

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Yo, I'm sorry to ruffle your feathers. Don't let it bother you too much. You can feel superior to me all you want. You can feel equal to me all you want. I am not writing this to further make my point, or continue arguing with you. I am not even mad. This whole thing is just tickling my intellect on a boring ass

So, was Black Ops 2 "ported" to the 360 and PS3 too, and by your logic wouldn't that make them Next Gen too? I know your answer is no, and I know what you are saying, but since it was ported to the Wii U, like an old Mario title might be, my question is this... What Current Gen Nintendo console was it ported from? Oh

Considering you as inferior to me is not disrespectful of you, when its true. It is only accurate. I used to be a recruit, and people called me recruit, but later they called me Sergeant. Do you think I yelled back at my Sergeant, like don't call me a recruit, when I still was one? It was appropriate for him to

Not even a penny? Come on now, you know it would be the shit. Imagine that it was made with as much quality as GTA5. Hard gritty street life of a stray cat or dog... Yeah! Saints Row: Bitches and Hounds. Saints Row: Bitches and Pussies. LOL, right? I just pre-ordered that Aliens: Colonial Marines. You know they will

I wouldn't worry until Madden stops coming out, period. We always have the option to buy other consoles, in addition to the the Wii U. It is just sad to see Nintendo making poor business decisions, weak consoles, and behaving eerily similar to Sega.

Now playing

I call you stupid, not because you are, but because I want you to be 10 times smarter than you are now. Even the smartest dude on the planet is not as smart as I think he should be. Everyone should be better. I think you don't really understand the Army if you think joining it frees you from criticism. You get your

At least I am delicious... I feel you man... I know the shit is new, and dope. I just wish that it is all that it is, times 10. As in, I wish the Wii U was the Wii U of 2030. Is that OK? Am I allowed to wish that? I also wish people were people, times 10, as in 10 times better, smarter, funnier, doper, more creative,

I guess you're right... Wow... I stand corrected.

Why would you take an offer to look intelligent, and then piss it away? I will never understand stupid fucking people. I guess that is the curse of the intelligent, to stand isolated. I think the drop of the PS4 is very related to the Wii U, since it will wake people up to how Nintendo tricked them. Then again, I was

All they accomplished for me, was confusion. People like these dudes? They respect them? Those fools would get their cards pulled in Detroit. A mother fucker ran in the police station, blasting at cops, not too long ago. Now that's gangsta...

Neither the Wii, or the Gamecube, can play Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, the biggest console game of 2012... so, no. They are not current gen, 'cause they aren't strong enough to play the current gen's games. Sorry, just sayin'. If you like Mario, and I do... I love him, then fuck it, buy one... own one... love one...

LOL... I don't even know how to reply to that shit. I am 32. Can I reply like half my life ago, put it in a Delorean, and drive it over to your crib?

Word... 1 smart person out of 25 idiots... Thanks for being intelligent, and real. That's what's up. We are not alone... just nearly alone.