Eric Cartman

Talk about adventure! I'm still young, and I've always wanted to travel around the US and the world.. and Have an awesome adventure Joel.. I hope I get to be so lucky and actually do it too!

Such a sad look on society.. tech before people, and on your wedding day. She should have left him.. checking email before the ceremony.. She's a very beautiful woman.. I think someone needs to check his priorities d:

Someone please give this guy the Science channel (aka Discovery Science)..

Where can I get that guitar?! Steve, I'll buy it!

@Bam Margera: Go on youtube, and just search angry birds level 3-14 or whatever the level is... There are all sorts of videos

Damn, so what am I?

Well, I bought a pair of the $99 Bose in ear headphones, they lasted 8 months before they started to break, will I ever buy another pair, I might, however I decided to jump and try a pair of the $15 skullcandy headphones, they've lasted me 6 months now, and are great... In terms of bang for buck value, skullcandy

I say we send this guy up..

My power brick has laster over 2 years, and I've used both methods, depending if I am to lazy to actually make a loop.. however I am quite gentle, my friend couldn't make his last a year cause he is an aggressive person lol

When will there be a post without all the question marks? I want periods!

@D0GG: With how 10.6 SL shows file sizes, it shows 607 mb, it was about 540mb in iTunes while downloading

@wpc1532: iPhone 4 = 607.4 mb

@SparklyJesus: Yeah, I figured that out too... but each site is like it's own community, and each seems to take a different style to get a star...

@william7: it does, one night I was out late and I had about 9-10% left, so I turned off 3G and turn the brightness down, lasted another 2 or so hours...

@lodphantom: I agree, my 4 can go from 9am to 1 am with about 33% of my battery left, and thats with several hours of talk, and over 400 texts a day, browsing, gaming and whatever else I may do... I am very impressed by the 4's battery life..

I will never forget when I became a commenter... Rosa approved me :D

I haven't really had to many dropped calls with the my iPhone 4 yet... with my 3G i had a shit load..

I would use this on several other tech blogs I read and their posts...

@kenboy: yes, there are several rotation lock apps in cydia.. I have a 4, so I forgot what they were