@blueTitanium: I did, but didn't pay the $16.. I probably will buy it this weekend.
@blueTitanium: I did, but didn't pay the $16.. I probably will buy it this weekend.
I still use iStat 2.0
@cicadymn: You must know a lot of smart people.
@Alex Sharifi: AT&T with no promotions? How about this?
That bus in the last picture has huge eyeballs O.o
@Bobburt444: You have to restock the paper in your printer sometime
I got all excited cause maybe, just maybe the Military was developing an ion Cannon... instead its just these DDoS assholes taking such an epic name.. /:
Umm, has anyone thought of the idea of compensation? Like, when we walk straight, and we feel like we are leaning a certain way, our balance is thrown off so we compensate and turn the other way.. so I guess in theory we begin to walk in circles. Driving just adds more variables and shit, I wouldn't even count that…
@bjmckenna: Yes, trust no one.
If you don't want anyone to find out about it... dont do it.
@KarateMedia: I'll think about it.. but I think no one wants to see this movie anyways :P
I have the 1 DVD out at a time and all the streaming you can eat plan.. I still have my first DVD :P
Well, this was out done already..
I have a solution that will solve everyones problems... get rid of TSA?
@Zinger314: That's the same combination I have on my luggage!
@Homer Berkowitz: That made me laugh lol
@Hvedhrungr: I agree. Although I did steal my time back..
Really, other then us tech people, the average consumer doesnt give two shits about this. All they care about is that their connection is good, works, and in this case fast. Some people dont even understand what the difference between and MB and a GB are.. much less a TB.