
I like that it’s breaking the idea of “git gud or get out”, but I also quite simply like the narrative idea of “not everything needs to die.”


I’m sure the underpaid minimum wage workers would applaud you using the mobile app making some of their jobs obsolete.

Good gods. Were you lucky enough to be wearing brown pants that day?

I was on a motorcycle next to an 18wheeler when one of its back wheels exploded right in front of me. I can’t explain how loud it was but I’ve had lightning strike a light pole in a parking lot I was standing in once and this was louder than that. So loud my nervous system was already reacting to it before my brain

I think RIAA is right here. I know when I want to listen to music I often load up a Twitch video and listen to the song playing in the background while someone plays a game or talks. Far better than listening to the actually song in isolation at a decent quality. Damn streamers are just trying to steal money from hard

Yeah, they didn’t just “threw money”.
They hired him for future work on a giant NDA condition and under copyright claim threats, and the complete removal of all his work from his youtube channel.

Them throwing money at him was also what I hoped. Them hiring him (and all other solid content creators), making them remove

Every ‘90s kid knows that you should never ford the river.

One of my favorite memes.

Roadside rapid tests should be banned. The tests are, no doubt, going to test positive for whatever they are intended to detect - there is great doubt that they will test negative for everything else in the universe, which means plenty of false positives which means plenty of wrongful arrests, seizures, stays in jail

Twitch is meant to be a family friendly site with ads targeted at such.”

“Twitch is meant to be a family friendly site”

Can’t wait to read more!

I have 6 friends with F-150s and Silverados. and guess what? One of them takes a boat about 12 miles to the river and the rest don’t tow a damn thing besides their ass to the office and their kids to soccer practice. The rest bought a truck for the hypothetical boat purchase down the road, and the mulch on Saturdays.

Yours is the most sane and reasonable take. Ford is, i am sure, aware of this as well. Tons of dudes who work in an office and live in the burbs and have never towed a fucking thing in their life all drive trucks. This E F150 will fit in perfectly w/that crowd. 

There’s no easy way to fix this. The American pickup truck market is driven by feature inflation; everybody likes to think they could tow 10 tons over an epic series of mountain passes, even though they actually drive one occupant for a few miles along nicely paved roads. Those aspirations determine the size and shape

The real answer here is that if you tow larger trailers longer distances, this probably isn’t the truck for you (though the Hybrid F-150 probably is).

But the reality is that for the *three quarters of a million* F-150s sold last year, there’s an incredibly large number of owners that don’t tow anything, or tow very

I’ll go against the grain and suggest they shouldn’t buy a car. Does the headache/cost of rentals really exceed the headache of owning a street-parked car in NYC that you only use some weekends? It probably feels like a hassle to secure a rental (especially now, I’m guessing) but in return, you’re not worried about

The video is frankly disturbing and traumatizing, so I won’t embed here.”

Louisiana State Police called the officers’ action ‘awful but lawful.’