
not only the math doesn’t work out but there is no reason to use the number 28 as a point of reference, 25? sure quarter of a century... 30? three decades!... but even if he got it right and said “almost 23" is kinda weird when you can just be accurate and say “after 22 years, X months, x days and several albums of

he looks like how Smashmouth sounds like

“of course we know how it ends” *shifts eyes*

now that’s a great tag

No this is the Snyder Cut of the Incredibles 2

now I’m commenting ... send help!

uufff now i have to make an asset-flip game called Battle of Barrels, it’s a battle royale (obviously) but the twist is that it is a brawler, and the map is just a white canvas with all the different barrels in the history of gaming

But if it’s not the movie is the Fans

I just can’t believe they are rebooting tales from the crypt as a politically charged multimedia experiment set in the real world White House

did he signed with “oh hi Mark!”?

clever girl.gif

I think Notting Heap also works.

6 Stones I Hate About You

well... chickens have sex butt to butt so I imagine that “stinging chicken”
provides some very lethal sex

So... You got Snapped

words... they mean something!

the problem I see with that theory is that you are not really an “individual conscious mind”; moving along with your example if a person is dead in my timeline and alive in its own timeline, then who is piloting my body in his timeline?, certainly not me, since i’m in my own over here... that would make my

we get to live in our longest timeline.

if you let people see earlier drafts of your posts, people will be less inclined to disagree with you and less angry about the obvious typos you missed.

That click-bait title should bump Dante’s “Abandon hope all ye who enter here” from the gates of hell.