
if you let people see earlier drafts of your posts, people will be less inclined to disagree with you and less angry about the obvious typos you missed.

*tears of joy emoji

just throw some decorative lego bricks on the floor and then you can compromise

“Projecting in film is not nostalgia”

*gets the cold shoulder,


7. The “Cesar the dog whisperer”: Give your back until the other person shuts up

2 Dank 2 Ganez

but on par with trusting Little Finger

mmm battery acid flavored

ooofff, the naiveté of our past selves

Probably kill the wife

or let’s start blessing farts too

we also invented God so it evens out

Card games do nothing to my thirst tho

  • squeezing ketchup (3 reps into a steak)

trickle down playconomics