
5. the little random animation of a mii faceplanting when you ask them to get on formation

Can you Craster-Keep the challenge?... it's technically 1 generation right?

You sound like you have a very elaborate real state scheme to get rid of Superman

there was a Dark Souls 20 years ago it was called Ghost 'n Goblins

the only thing they missed was a custom made Amiibo creator based on your mii moto-X style

....LA Clippies

ohhh come on dude, Clippers.... Clippy... that one was easy

a mix would be awesome ala Bastion

One thousand years ago...

I'm just waiting for the inevitable "VR Simulator" simulate playing a VR version of your favorite simulators ala "World of World of Warcraft"

I wonder if it can be done using a boxing game as starting point. the 1 hit kills would probably add a lot of tension to the otherwise slow pacing of say the fight night series

Bow-Chika-(insert yoshi's sound)

Dickwolves for some, miniature american flags for others.

Ha!, that dude got tomodachi-zoned by Samus

If there were Zombies in Vogue tumblr will boil in rage at the unrealistic expectation on longevity they represent.

Part steampunk, part Star Wars, and 100% pretty goddamned awesome, FFVI is the best of the Final Fantasys and one of the first RPGs to show people that yes, video games can pack an emotional wallop. The adventures of Terra and Celes and their struggle against the demonic clown Kefka still hold up today, even if their

because that would restore a little of the reputation they tried so hard to destroy