I know right?
There is a modern Twilight Zone it's called Black Mirror and it's awesome... this is cool too.
you accidentally a word
isn't this exactly what Occulus Rift needs to do proper head tracking without the need of an external camera?
Alternate Universe headline: "Man dressed as fictional hero gets beaten to death... trying to save a laptop"
you should try not-entirely-quite-unlike-Argentine
yeah those where harvested from plants, exept japanese that was fished out of the ocean
you only missed "Deep Down: The Deepening"
"If you ever kidnap Zelda again, I will end you. I will fucking end you. You got that, chief?"
and being given a last year mercedes for the trouble
the only thing that makes Origin good for me is that their prices are lower in Mexico, Crisis 3 is about 28 bucks with this discount, ditto for Dead Space 3.
what are you talking about? that is clearly water level nº26,042 inside high-fantasy world nº103,658.... way different than anything before it.
...in space!
don't forget Se7en
Assuming a pink triangle was his starting point you would be right in thinking he did it with malice, what I'm saying is that I think he landed in a pink triangle after various iterations of color and/or shape which would make it a coincidence.