
me am play gods... hurr durr hurr

I'm just waiting for the inevitable "VR Simulator" simulate playing a VR version of your favorite simulators ala "World of World of Warcraft"

the first two gifs are from the short film they made as proof of concept

I wonder if it can be done using a boxing game as starting point. the 1 hit kills would probably add a lot of tension to the otherwise slow pacing of say the fight night series

you missed a big one:

I think he is calvinball-ing it

look! the gates... are... retreating?

Shaky-cam Flatliners meets The Descent

re-rolling a kid is expensive and time consuming too

haha, yeah someone posted that in another thread, didn't even noticed it in the theater

Ha, I posted the same image, never even saw that woman I thought it was another child. That's a good catch, and i thought that was a nice understated way to handle a gay character I guess Paranorman still has the best one.

I thought because of these dudes:

Pfft this psychohistorians and their fear-mongering

well that gives you about 20 days to learn how to produce electricity to recharge your kindle, 8hrs if you are in an app... if that's not a good incentive I don't know what is.

Now playing

Attaboy! then you deserve some clean, untainted piece of comedy:

what?... no rape pun/twist

Then you are going to love Imperial Boy's artwork

It's not so much as X ripping Y, as authors thinking they live in a vacuum and believing that been influenced is a soiling mark in what they mistake to be the pureness of their distilled imagination but it's just their ego.