
Bow-Chika-(insert yoshi's sound)

The Hobbit: Out of your wallet, into my pocket.

there you go buddy:

Dickwolves for some, miniature american flags for others.

His alias is mentioned in the trailer:

but all those examples can be explained by science even if it can't be experienced by a person, I'm not against your initial statement of the difficulty of conveying subjective perception through objective knowledge but we do it all the time in a decidedly less scientific manner called <i>analogy</i>.

"probably"...that's what science lives for, and it will inch ever closer and closer, and when we think we have reached the "beyond" point we will see that there's a "further" and a "yonder" ahead and we will go after those too. Because knowing how a thing works doesn't make it less wonderful.

...for now.

Ha!, that dude got tomodachi-zoned by Samus

Ha!, that's a good reversal of the "wishing more wishes" trope

Since 1927

If there were Zombies in Vogue tumblr will boil in rage at the unrealistic expectation on longevity they represent.

it might be like flying in the hitchhiker's guide, instead of jumping to the air and miss towards the ground you have to jump to the ground and miss towards the sky.

Can you get hit by a car if you don't see it coming?

everybody knows bracketology is fantasy... bracketonomy is where the science happens.


Re: Joss Whedon

yeah because to me it is everyday... anyway time to my piano lessons.

Part steampunk, part Star Wars, and 100% pretty goddamned awesome, FFVI is the best of the Final Fantasys and one of the first RPGs to show people that yes, video games can pack an emotional wallop. The adventures of Terra and Celes and their struggle against the demonic clown Kefka still hold up today, even if their