
It’s actually mostly filler. At least 22 of those pages just say [See Koran].

If they removed that shitty sword in the page headers, they would have saved, at the very least, a minimum of 5 pages.

Nobody cares about hockey, Boomer.

King Henrik (of the past decade) would like a word with you.

Any QB who can go 8 - 1 with that schedule is incredible.

Do the people who stop and check their cell phones on the subway stairs count?

It’d be cooler if instead of 8 tubes it was 8 fleshlights that rose up - perhaps symbolizing one’s future sexual opportunities after one divulged to his/her significant other that they’d spent $55k on headphones.


And 70 years from now we’ll all be dead. Really makes u think.

I bet CC Sabathia was even more upset he missed the game when he heard that the stadium was full of boos.

On the bright side, C.C. Sabathia finally has some drinking buddies again.

If I watch this video with I catch autism?

Google publishes an open standard that would allow any application to send data to the Chromecast. Amazon hasn’t integrated that into Prime Instant Video, it has nothing to do with Google.

Because “Yub Nub” was a modern classic of cinematic music?

How is losing the stupid Ewok song not on this list? I also like the galaxy wide celebrations at the end of Jedi.

It takes a very special sort of douchebag to make Bryce Harper look like a decent human being.

I think you forgot step 1: know if even bringing this up is going to sabotage your current relationship. Adultery—even the thought of adultery—is a straight-up dealbreaker for a lot of people.


Before any Patriots fans comment:

that was 16 years ago. grow the fuck up.