
I don't know if it's just a fad in my area/state, but I'd say out of every 100 people I run into in my demographic (socially, not business), an overwhelming majority have Blackberries. I can actually count on one hand how many people have iPhones and Android devices.

The last five seconds actually gave me shivers blahhh

@isuee94: That's all I'm saying. Whoever designed hisdatabase is clearly an asshole. Obviously not a personal attack; I'm just saying that the DBA or whatever pooched the kick.

@takkun1946: Uh... your DBA is a jackass then who doesn't know how to properly format decimal fields to 2 digits? Sorry, realistic, but terrible reasoning.

This was the worst video ever. I actually sat back and got comfy and it ended before I could blink.... no shit magnets could protect us from radiation! You mean to tell me magnets, which produce magnetic fields, do the same thing as the earth's magnetic field!?!??!

@jedimario: Let me guess.... you like Sunn O))) and other "visionary music"?

@jedimario: It's only a tragedy for the labels who are losing billions of dollars. The artists are still doing just as well as they were 5, 10, 20 years ago (adjusted for inflation, obviously).

Oh man... who remembers being the coolest nerd in the class because you could program the quadratic formula in TI-BASIC? Scored so much pussy that way bahahaha

Straight up house music.

It's "Hot like Mexico, rejoice"... not "hot like Mexico enjoys"

@nat.evory: He's referring to "the follow through" and he's absolutely right. If you had to Google search this than you clearly have never thrown anything in your life more than 10 feet.

Vote: Dreamweaver

@actaea: They're not innocent Iraqi citizens, they're fucking wasps. Go send your kid out into an infested area and tell me they're wonderful creatures. Jesus H. Christ....

@el_vato30066001: agreed about the billions... but he didn't rebuild the company from scratch in 199-whatever when Steve came back.