
I find it intoxicating as well. Almost like I’m drunk with (false) power. I separate myself from the situation for a moment, and follow up with asking myself questions. The “does this actually matter in any way?” question works wonders for me.

I know I have anger issues, and it’s definitely bitten me in the ass more than a few times in my life.

This line made my day. LMAO

More likely it was a blackberry user who fled rather than admit his secret.

Was this evasive comrade a Windows Phone man?

I would love to sign that letter. Consider this my endorsement. Rand Paul comes to mind as needing a letter too.

Whatever the nature of his pathology, members of the public are being misled and endangered, which makes Dr. Oz's presence on the faculty of a prestigious medical institution unacceptable.

Oh, if it kills my pet, I’ll send my own to Bezos’ house, seeking out all pets. We’re talking full-on, unmanned vehicular warfare Bezos’, so get your shit together.

True. They all suck. And frankly the thought of a Bush/Clinton campaign season makes me want to projectile vomit while clawing out my eyes. However at least with dems equal rights will move forward and there is less chance for a major war.

But are there actually any decent politicians, republican or democrat running for 2016? As far as I’m concerned, the answer is no.

To be honest, it’s not! I just think he’s a fascinating person. And this probably won’t even get that much traffic; it was just sort of a pet project (and of course I knew some readers would be less than enthusiastic).

I'll have whatever you're having.

This is how they suck the energy from the star. Genius.

Yes, which is why we're not going to "detect" them at all, unless they want to be detected.

if aliens are even thousands of years ahead of us their tech would probably seem godlike to us. i mean in my mind anythings possible.

What if we're already in a Dyson's sphere? think of it the following way... The roots of trees may be thinking that the are the branches and leaves. As fish might think that they are flying and breathing air... Tomorrow we might discover that everything we are/know, is also somewhat significantly different.

I was expecting something else

Black fucking hole, that's what.

I eat quinoa with my steak in place of other starchy, low nutrient foods.