
I'm sorry... HOW is this surprising?

Uh... obviously, the 'homophobe' is a big ole pansy. Didn't anyone else's Dar ping on him?

I wouldn't assume this guy is hetero. I mean, my Gaydar is great... and that pic... just sayin'....

Honestly - anyone can dress more simply. The fact that people think guys should be ready in 5 minutes and do not care how they look (I thought) was really outdated. But, maybe that is why I often feel bad for straight women due to the bulk of their choices for mates and dates?

Why does it have to be a straight version. That's homophobic. lol, jk ;)

The interesting part is that they attend a Christian school.

You'd be really bothered to see mine then...

EXACTLY what I thought when I saw that 'chair'...

Oh.... I thought it said pushups... I was all excited to make an orange pushup. :(

Oh good Science - WHO CARES? *walks away*

Whenever I find a vegetable not palatable or even offensive, I either deep fry it in a beer batter or I dip it in dark chocolate and eat it with red wine. I find that to be helpful and I am still eating my veggies too!

This is state dependent. In my state, the question about previous terminations is on all applications. Companies CAN provide the reason you left in the form of 'Is this person able to be rehired by your organization', etc. Also, depending on your field of work - it is pretty cool how many people know how many people -

This is state dependent. In my state, the question about previous terminations is on all applications. Companies CAN provide the reason you left in the form of 'Is this person able to be rehired by your organization', etc. Also, depending on your field of work - it is pretty cool how many people know how many people -

This is state dependent. In my state, the question about previous terminations is on all applications. Companies CAN provide the reason you left in the form of 'Is this person able to be rehired by your organization', etc. Also, depending on your field of work - it is pretty cool how many people know how many people -

This is state dependent. In my state, the question about previous terminations is on all applications. Companies CAN provide the reason you left in the form of 'Is this person able to be rehired by your organization', etc. Also, depending on your field of work - it is pretty cool how many people know how many people -

I literally LOL'd at your comment - because mostly I was thinking the same thing- and I was glad to see someone else said it.

This was the small print from the Obamacare 'death squads'. *duh*

I was supposed to graduate high school in 1991 but I got out in 1989. I was tormented horribly in middle school for being gay. It was incredible - these kids knew I was gay before I knew. Fortunately, I had a small group of very good friends, all the geeks and nerds and social outcasts, but we were tight. The bullying

Holy crap I was forced to take several years of English and composition in school! The problem (I think) is that the way we were taught to speak then wasn't keeping up with the way people were actually speaking. Just a thought.

But how does this explain the manner in which Noah got the dinosaurs onto the Ark?