
Really? I thought the examples here are simply horrible. No one with out his name recognition could have even got this mess published!

If you puree the poodles prior to freezing them you can get probably 3 times as many in there.

I know what your saying makes sense, but I can't think of a single book I consider a classic that didn't grab me on the first page.

I think this is the first time in the 10 years I've lived in California that I wish I was back in Kansas! I would have loved to have seen this.

Your attributing writing skill to the genre and it doesn't work that way. The internal consistency of ASoIaF is far and away better than Battlefield Earth. This has nothing to do with the genre's and everything to do with the fact Hubbard was a hack.

Evangelion Fanboy's don't get to bitch about reality okay? Seriously, your actually trying to make a credible argument for why this movie is silly and in the same breath your extolling the virtues of a ridiculously overrated anime that most people aren't even aware of?

And they did it way better.

Grew up in Dubuque, now live in San Francisco and I'm constantly having to point this out to people. I'm glad the last election is making this easier to do! They have a fantastic education system.

Exactly what I was thinking. Wouldn't mind seeing that get the HBO treatment.

He's said in interviews this is a homege to the kaiju and mecha media of his youth, which is also the source for Evangelion btw. It's all derivative of a genre invented long before we were born.

I would watch that, mostly because like you say, SoA has jumped the shark pretty hard (which sucks, I loved the first 3 seasons).

Whew, I was worried they wouldn't get the Inception BLAAAA! BLAAAA! in there, but they did, so right on.

I'm fine with the story, I just wish I could remap the keys.

Big ol' plus one on that!

Couldn't agree more! We finally traded out Legacy in when the transmission went out a few years ago and I was appalled at the choices at the Subaru dealership, what an ugly fleet of vehicles! We went Honda and never looked back.

He hasn't sold me either , I've been sitting this one out.

Wow, guys, sounds like a lot of you have forgotten just how bad B&B fucked this franchise up. I'll take this over anything those knuckleheads ever do again (Anyone up for some Terra Nova?)!

Exactly, not natural selection.

My goodness, there are still people that believe the Chinese are communists?

I didn't but yes, it would make sense!