
Why did either of you make that assumption? Where did it say anything about altruism?

I don't have anything to add, just wanted to say Hooray for Librarians!

Yeah as the child of a woman who insisted she could do it alone, it's really not something to celebrate. We survived, that's about all I can say for it.

What? That your friend desired to be a widow?

Check your terminology, creationists very specifically do not trust science on just about all the big issues. In fact the term creationist was chosen as a direct refutation of evolution, so I don't think these two sides are ever going to meet.

CapuchinSeven is really just working with the term creationist because of the original post, and yes, Evangelical Christians are famous for taking a literal view of the Bible. So to be an Evangelical is to believe literally in the story of Noah. Knowing this, and excusing the insulting parts, his reply is

Exactly! Your better off fighting with your CC company over your credit, than fighting with your bank over your cash.

I think the behavior of this troll and his followers is despicable.

"go spend a decade of your life living where no one wants to have sex with you".

Hey, read my comment, then ask yourself how stupid you need to be to think I didn't realize that! :)

Have they fixed the keymapping on the PC version? Hard to use a right handed scheme when your left handed. :(

I don't get the pricing, if your only going to sell 100 of them on the net, why only charge $30, and if your only going to charge $30 why only 100 to sell? Capitalism fail.

Right and the rural southern white schools are doing so much better? I guess it's just easier to be a small minded bigot!

Sort of, but there are 2 parts to this. Accepting the possibility of divine intervention is one thing, being convinced by this that its the Christian flavor of God is another.

Because the truth matters? Or how about fighting it while its at these percentages is important in order to keep it from growing?

Wait, Who did Luke sleep with?

After reading your responses here I'm going to go ahead and call bullshit, either your stretching the truth to make your friend sound better after outing them as a worthless fuck, or you've made the whole thing up.

Actually if you were a regular here I wouldn't have to point it out, but sure!

Aww, butt hurt much? You miss the point entirely. My comment was strictly to point out the superiority of the mouse/kb interface in 1PS games (did you google that like you we're told, is that where all this anger is coming from?). I'm sure there are plenty of toypad players who are very skilled in competing with

Absolutely not true about "most Chinese businessmen", you watch to much TV.