
I love me some Kubrick, but the man needed better editing in just about every movie he ever made.

Exactly what I was thinking.

I'd like to see Dinkledge as Puck, followed by a whole Alpha Flight spin off project!

Why did either of you make that assumption? Where did it say anything about altruism?

??? The Octogon came out a year earlier and stared Chuck Norris, it was a much bigger deal.

I don't have anything to add, just wanted to say Hooray for Librarians!

I have to think that if this were actually any good, it would have been released by now. Color me skeptical.

"BTW I'm not a creationist, unless you consider ID part of creationism."

All the way down.

I just want to hug this man.

What annoys me about it is that it beat a much better show for geeks in it's timeslot. I started watching it in reruns and it's not bad, but it's no Community.

Yeah as the child of a woman who insisted she could do it alone, it's really not something to celebrate. We survived, that's about all I can say for it.

What? That your friend desired to be a widow?

Nice, this takes me back! One of the best IMHO.

Check your terminology, creationists very specifically do not trust science on just about all the big issues. In fact the term creationist was chosen as a direct refutation of evolution, so I don't think these two sides are ever going to meet.

CapuchinSeven is really just working with the term creationist because of the original post, and yes, Evangelical Christians are famous for taking a literal view of the Bible. So to be an Evangelical is to believe literally in the story of Noah. Knowing this, and excusing the insulting parts, his reply is

Exactly! Your better off fighting with your CC company over your credit, than fighting with your bank over your cash.

I think the behavior of this troll and his followers is despicable.

"And we learned that no matter how fondly we remember it now, when classic Transformers was bad, it was truly godawful."

"go spend a decade of your life living where no one wants to have sex with you".