
First picture, someone has torn down those hideously ugly Embarcadero buildings!

Working out all day doesn't do anything to make you funnier, smarter, or nicer, but apparently it can make you a delusional bitch.

Thank you, I'm so tired of this bullshit belly-aching about what ST supposedly was.

They can't be both?

But he's clearing not referring to humanities ability to travel FTL, he's saying unknown races can't, which of course is not provable.

What group is better positioned to be the gatekeepers of this sort of thing?

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer,

I'll 2nd that, I use to have to drive between KC and Sioux Falls every few months and made several detours there.

Learn to tuck dude!

Love it!

People don't realize that Big Trouble in Little China is pretty much a regular day in Chinatown. I mean, half that shit happens on Fulton street every few hours.

Anyone know if these line up in such a way that they might explain acupuncture? I ask only because I've read that the body maps they use don't really correspond to anything internally in the body.

At least the story has a happy ending.

Yeah ah, actually, a whole bunch of us don't mind this and actually think it's pretty funny. Admittedly the example you've got here would have had my eyes rolling too, but I've never witnessed any of them getting that bad. In my experience the flight attendants are generally the only good part of a really shitty

Why not just hire someone who understands how to deal with reporters? I appreciate your defense of him here, but there are practical ramifications to these outbursts that cast NASA in a bad light, which ultimately costs them money. It's not something he should lose his job over, but he should be removed from any

A lot modern Christians accept it as analogy, but they are technically incorrect, it was most certainly meant to be taken literally by the people who initially wrote and distributed it. I don't think the idea of it being symbolic was widely discussed before the Enlightenment.

"...but I research the company (what's the track record for reliability- in terms of Apple, it really isn't there, they just have a great warranty program to distract away from this fact)"

I like the sound of this, I also think they could play up the fact that in the comics, Batman's detective skills are 2nd only to Sherlock Holmes himself. Love love love Nolan's Batman, but there's way more backstory that can be used to flesh out the character here, JGL will do fine I think.

Why not just pin your apps on the Taskbar?