
"Man, a Paul Verhoeven - he of RoboCop and Total Recall fame - Half-Life movie...what a thing that would be."

Plenty of folks have said that, and while the movies are great, they are in no way "faithful adaptations".

You dicks! Couldn't you have just waited to say anything until it was confirmed?!

...and that my friends, is the last word that ever need be said on the subject, well put!

Wow, I would not want to face jury with those charges aimed at me. If they catch this person/people they are well and truly fucked for the rest of their lives.

Wow, from lashing sharpened rocks to sticks to the modern bayonet, artillery is probably a distant second for most-kills-by-weapon-type.

"The worst words you can call a man are the ones that question his masculinity, or, worse, imply that he's feminine."

Dear Jasondesante, Do you know what the over/under is on whether or not Sony can release a PS4 before they go bankrupt?

I didn't hear anything funny, just an incredibly sad exchange between a mother and her piece-of-shit son. You can't suddenly start parenting when your kids 17 (no idea if this is the case), but by the time your 17, you should be able to figure out on your own that sitting around all day taking advantage of someones

Where do you get that she's expecting him to support her?

It's possible for this to be fodder for the tabloids and be a national security risk due to the potential for blackmail, the two are not mutually exclusive points.

No time for love Dr Jones!!!

Wanna try some Snowcrash?!

Excuse me, but I'm very much looking forward to the opportunity to take my daughter to see this performed live. Besides, how does this effect your ability to watch reality tv?

It's an absolute treat! Don't wait any longer!

You, sir or lady, obviously have great experience with nutshells, well said.

You coulda' told me he was a dude...

Then lets make it free, you know that's not the issue with folks on your side of the argument.

And maybe the 2 of you should grow a pair? I'm not your father, these bullshit arguments don't work on real adults. If it's important, he'll find a way.

$6 and exercise, oh the humanity!!