
Whew, I was worried they wouldn't get the Inception BLAAAA! BLAAAA! in there, but they did, so right on.

I'm fine with the story, I just wish I could remap the keys.

Big ol' plus one on that!

Couldn't agree more! We finally traded out Legacy in when the transmission went out a few years ago and I was appalled at the choices at the Subaru dealership, what an ugly fleet of vehicles! We went Honda and never looked back.

He hasn't sold me either , I've been sitting this one out.

Wow, guys, sounds like a lot of you have forgotten just how bad B&B fucked this franchise up. I'll take this over anything those knuckleheads ever do again (Anyone up for some Terra Nova?)!

Exactly, not natural selection.

My goodness, there are still people that believe the Chinese are communists?

I didn't but yes, it would make sense!

First picture, someone has torn down those hideously ugly Embarcadero buildings!

Working out all day doesn't do anything to make you funnier, smarter, or nicer, but apparently it can make you a delusional bitch.

Thank you, I'm so tired of this bullshit belly-aching about what ST supposedly was.

They can't be both?

But he's clearing not referring to humanities ability to travel FTL, he's saying unknown races can't, which of course is not provable.

What group is better positioned to be the gatekeepers of this sort of thing?

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer,

I'll 2nd that, I use to have to drive between KC and Sioux Falls every few months and made several detours there.

Learn to tuck dude!

Love it!