
Nailed it. I don't think this has near as much to do with preventing breast cancer in Mozambique as it does giving us a few cheap shots of superhero's feeling themselves up here in the West.

"At one point during the incident, police said he Shaughnessy into the middle of the street screaming unintelligibly."

Cool looking, but it didn't actually "display" much. Show me what it does with text or even a simple jpeg before you call it a display.

Not to mention it's not actually being used to produce a coherent image.

Agrees? Where? I didn't recall seeing it mentioned and a quick re-skim of the article including word search doesn't bring up elder, scrolls, or morrowind.

All this and no mention of the craptacular interface? That's okay your probably not left handed. This series has always been a love-hate thing for me due to that one reason. Bethesda just doesn't spend enough time working on how you work with the game. I'd also say the clipping in every entry in the series is

Not a bad list, especially liked the shout out to 1943, I put many a quarter in that one...

Must not have fit the narrative here.

Right, the Farcaster networks going down, next you'll be trying to convince me the AI's live in the space between!

You know I'm thinking the same thing. I knew right away I didn't want to see the first one, but this actually got me interested. I'm also a sucker for Bruce and the Rock so maybe that has something to do with it.

Fresh in my mind because she just passed away but the Pern series from Anne McCaffrey was one of my favorites growing up.

There you go, it was Dragonsdawn that I was thinking of! I too mourned her passing, what an incredible lady. I can't wait until my daughter is old enough to read this series.

I was thinking awards-wise. He's lost out on Hugo's to authors I won't mention here so as not to start a flame war, but total f'ing hacks.

Hours of heated argument contained in here, and I've got friends coming over this weekend to play the SoIaF board game, happy days!!

He's so under-fucking-appreciated it makes me want to cry.

I'm with you, nothing in the Pern series was magical that I can recall, in fact, wasn't the book Dragonflight the one that put the series squarely in the SciFi realm and not Fantasy?

Wow, that's outstanding.

Probably my favorite movie of his, a true classic.

I like a lot of what he has to say, for instance he's probably got the most realist view of dealing with immigration your going to get from a conservative, but once the religious right is made aware of his marriages, I don't think his campaign will go anywhere.

Newt's pretty lukewarm on religion, he plays it up for the camera's but he's more pragmatic than absolutest on that particular subject.