
I think it's possible that it might have worked, but I don't think you would have seen the Spock-McCoy-Kirk relationship flourish the way it did. I'm happy with what we got.

Note to Charles Dance, bring flowers, lot's and lot's of flowers...

Virtually every one I know who's read the books agrees that Crow's is the weakest link. You may find mixed reviews of it, but I thought George was right back with Dance with Dragons.

Except that's not what they say, they merely say (as does the article) that it's not as bad as driving drunk.

I've smoked off and on for 20 years and I agree that this is a tired argument. The problem with MJ prohibition is in your last statement though. I shouldn't have to convince anyone of the benign nature of the drug, the government should have to prove it's a public menace (which it hasn't). This is how the legal

And 80% of the population thinks they are a better than average driver. I'm only promoting this because it's one of those ridiculous arguments that should be addressed every time it's brought up.

Molotov Cocktease... you bitch.

"It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends."

This is exactly what I was thinking, I'd love to see someone at least make a stab at a faithful adaptation.

Um, no, your pretty out of touch there man, animals are tools with heartbeats and pretending anything different...

I just hope he continues his policy of getting involved in movies I have no interest in seeing. That's enough for me.

He's also the least dickish of the three mentioned here and for as much as I disagree with his politics, I think he actually is a moral person.

Here we agree 100%, that guy screws up everything he touches.

Except killing or not killing animals (especially in self defense!) has nothing to do with building a better society.

Phillip was murdered by a young noble precisely because Phillip buggered him outside of established protocol (that's what the official story was anyway).

Great book! Another little known fact here, Phillip's time as a hostage was in the care of Epaminondas, the Thebian leader that crushed the Spartan's. It's unlikely there was a better military mind in the western world for Phillip to study under.

Considering they had their biggest commercial hit in the 80's, and they played to sold out crowds until Jerry died, I don't think referring to them as a 60's band is terribly accurate.

Thank you, first laugh of the day!

No worries, one of the minor nit-picky things I've thought about the series is that it seems like the nobility has access to an endless supply of armor. In real life, most knights would have been happy to have a single complete kit, but again, I'm nit-picking.

Gwen Christie, I've been looking for photo's of her for months in costume, but that snippit is the first I've seen of her.