
That armor was just for the tourny she won where Renly gave her the rainbow cloak.

"For the movie, I want it to be more like Blade Runner and less like the Matrix."

But... most of Neuromancer IS a conventional action story. Gibson created an incredible world and I'd never suggest that because of that it doesn't deserve the accolades it's gotten, but it's a pretty standard story with plenty of familiar tropes.

...And everybody loses. Anne honey, I didn't think anyone could make vampires look weaker and more effeminate than you did until Twilight came along.

Affordable, yes, quality...well that depends on what your getting. The quality (and in more than a few cases historical accuracy) of their weapons varies greatly. They really made their name in the budget market.

This is a great resource for western swords at least.

I'd bet your talking $10k or more for one of those things.

If Stalin got his hands on him before he died, I'd be willing to bet he did live for awhile after the end of the war, I'm also pretty sure Hitler would have rather die than fall into the hands of the runner-up for craziest genocidal bastard of the 20th century. Stalin wasn't exactly a forgiving soul on a good day.

Watch as recording bad teachers becomes more common, school districts will suddenly decide recording devices in the classroom are a distraction and must be banned. It's a much easier policy to enforce.

I'll go ahead and ask because I guess I'm the only one that doesn't understand, but what does being a Hawkeye fan have to do with anything?

Accept Chopin and Tchaikovsky didn't.

It's so nice to be understood!

So all they have to do is lie? Yes, that will make things better, just look at how well the current lie they are peddling is working out. Anyone could have read the story, it didn't have to be her, don't pretend it was just a coincidence she was the one they sent.

The Mona Lisa is a pretty average piece of art that people should stop giving so much a damn about. There are hundreds of better works in the Louvre than this.

A) Turn her image around? Are you suggesting she has something to be ashamed of? I wasn't, In fact, I don't think she did anything wrong (aside from being a strictly B-grade porn star). I do think some bone headed school administrator is going to take a lot of heat for this.

I don't understand the point of having Sasha Gray do this. Seems like a needless headache for the school. Does she have some tie to the school? A kid that goes there? Why did they think this was a good idea?

I'm with ya, I never even bothered to watch any of her porn until after she did that Soderberg movie and then it was only as a novelty. She just doesn't do anything for me.

I agree it's travesty this guy is still employed at Penn, but you guys are just not going to get anywhere with this ethic's and morality don't count argument when that's been Paterno's bread and butter for his entire coaching career. When Paterno was riding high, his ethical standard was the beacon you railed around.

There's been so little of late on GoT. I'm really interested in seeing some pics of Gwen Christy as Brienne as well as these two in character.

Brilliant, hearted.