
If you fought someone because your protecting someone you love, wouldn't that actually solve something?

Your response to the article is to re-state the myths they are debunking?

Nailed it!

The only reason I clicked the link!

She's a preistess of Rhillor, if the Red Priest could bring back Dondarian 7 times, I guess I'm thinking she can save Jon.

I don;t think it even goes as far as him needing to warg out, Meliseandre is right there in the camp, no way she lets him stay dead.

I haven't read anything about Martin being sick of the books, and I can't understand how anyone thinks Jon is going to stay dead with Melisandre right there.

I bought the memorial T shirt.

Agreed, that was brutal and probably deserves to be here.

What would be interesting would be if they reverse this reversal and insist she comes back and does time. No way would I voluntarily submit to going back, especially since we are going into an election year. What politician wants to put their face on that issue?

A classic that absolutely needs to be posted every time this subject comes up. Thanks!

Spot on, I was getting the Colin Ferguson vibe from him the entire episode and I wouldn't mind seeing it continue.

Totally agree on the bromance, for me it was the strongest part of the show, but holy crap that Josh character could sink the whole thing, he's awful.

We're gonna need a bigger boot.


Don't forget Silverado!

Slim Jims are the same way. It's not real jerky.

I'll second that.

I get the point he's trying to make, but Gandalf was a Maiar and because of this immortal, so he couldn't actually die in the first place. He was never a wizard in the Harry Potter or D&D sense, a much more accurate analogy is the arch-angel Michael.

Really well said!