
I never had any intention of seeing this, so could someone provide a link to a screenshot of said monsters? A google search isn't doing it.

I'm telling you, stereoscopes are gonna come back in a big fucking way!

I thought Seth Greene very much looked the part, I don't get that. The character probably only has a dozen or so lines in the movie anyway, seems to me the part would be perfect for him.

So often the Apple snark looks like simple class envy.

I love how they got an inflatable tent into the movie just to have a sex scene...


This is how I hope it works out, private industry getting a foot hold with the lower hanging fruit so to speak with NASA working on the big stuff. I like the idea of having a heavy lift vehicle around, but I just don't think the will to really use this equipment is out there.

Awe man, that just breaks my heart right there. Really would have liked to see something like that work.

That's how kids books portrayed them even into the 70s, we were also told they were cold blooded. I had to unlearn a lot of stuff about dinosaurs as an adult.

We would have gotten good stuff and left LEO (undoubtedly leading to more good stuff) had we stuck with the capsule design, so yeah, I'm going to complain.

Oh man, that Eagle was such an amazing toy, had a friend that had one as a kid.

We found that wrapping a bit of scotch tape around one end of a toothpick then coloring the rest of it made for a pretty decent light saber.

I'm afraid it's the shuttle all over again. We were sold that thing with the promise it would fly once a month, without being told what those monthly trips would entail or why we even needed them at the time.

I want to be happy about this because it's a sign we have finally moved past the shuttle, but I'm just not sure the political will is there to take advantage of what this baby is capable of.

Planning my 4 year olds birthday at the end of the month and our only big expense is the bouncy house for $110. Another $75 for party favors and the cake and we have a day she'll never forget.

Yeah but can a wall of it keep out the white walkers?

Wow, well said!

BINGO! 1st rule of competing, don't piss off the judges!

I work in a professional environment with corporate lawyers, a few of whom are drop dead gorgeous. I've known 2 Miss South Dakota's and collectively they might have been as smart as a bag of hammers. Totally not the same caliber of person, not even close. I don't think ambition, which is what these girls have in

"I just can't understand what made them think it would make a good movie in the first place."