
Had that happen with A Dance With Dragons the moring it was released, I swear it was like a mini Christmas! I love ebooks!!

It's probably too new, but I would really like to see Harry Harrison's Deathworld and West of Eden trilogy's here. The West of Eden stories would make incredible movies.

This is the bane of our generation isn't it? Buy physical or yet another aspect of your life falls into the cloud. I've pretty much decided that anything I would have bought paperback, I go ahead and get on the Kindle. They don't really class up a room after you've read them they just sort of get in the way.

Not a Christian, but the whole idea of the 7 deadly sins pretty much sums up the problem here. I don't see how short of the singularity, mankind will ever be able to escape the clutches of these evils. So lamenting the fact that humanity is uncivilized is just a form of masturbation, with equally useful results (I

Then rather than just say I'm wrong why not show me where you saw this (your aware of that little thing called Google cache right?). You can't because they don't exist, you made it up, hence the lying sack of shit moniker.

I think that will be determined when we find out what he and Breannie are up to in The Winds of Winter, but trying to peel away all the layers of that would require it's own post!

"How about we go out for pizza and some Margareta shooters?"

Ah, agreed, long about issue 200 he took over running the X-men with no loss of cool.

Not sure I'm convinced about Chuck, I've always seen the character of Morgan as a Scrappy-doo sort of character. Was really happy with the way the Volkove's pimped them out though, plenty of story options with that. Color me mildly excited.

My favorite character on that show.

I grew up in Alabama and Iowa, to many terrible summers and terrible winters for me, so I moved out here. I meant that as a "thanks, but I've already done that" You've pretty much nailed it their though. The sense of entitlement and the complete refusal to acknowledge we have a spending problem by anyone save a few

When he runs for Senate/House he'll need to be able to point to attempts at saving the children in his past work. It's just a way to have the state pay for his next campaign.

Let me help you with that, unfortunately the most current data is from 2005, if anyone finds a link to newer data, please reply, I've been using this page to answer this question on the intertubes for years now.

Tell me your not writing this from somewhere in the mid-west or deep south and I'll think about it, but I'm betting your not...

Oh I don't mind California, it's the Californian's that screw everything up.

There's a feature that will allow you to use a CD drive from a network connected PC, but in the time I've had my first gen Mac Air, I've done that twice.

I loved the first two seasons, but if the 4th is going to be any like the 3rd, that's exactly what they deserved. I was really disappointed with season three on almost every level.

No, what's lazy is assuming you know his mental state and his lawyers feelings about the case. Plenty of mentally ill people do actual commit crimes, even though the vast majority don't. They are under no more obligation to be associated with him than I am to slavery because I have ancestors that lived in the

I guess I missed that, what are you referring too?