

The Losers was a good flick, but there are 2 Fantastic Four movies out their that by all rights, really should have killed his career. Seriously, they were awful, and he was awful in them.

"People shouldn't need to read someone else's opinion of something before deciding to see it. Try forming your own."

...who hopefully have better sense than to build an albatross like the shuttle!

...Who hopefully have better sense than to build an albatross like the shuttle.

It's thinly veiled racist bullshit. If Mr. Miyamoto was an actual samurai, he would have known all of this better than any of us. The fact he made such an outlandish statement means he either isn't what he purports to be, or as I suspect, just a racist fuckwit.

Come on, who here doesn't have the sight of Uther hittin' it in full plate burned into your skull?!

Blunt force weapons, especially when used from horseback are devastating against armored opponents. Once someone covers themselves in steel plate, concussive force is deadly, and certainly a better option than a katana. I would suggest this has colored your sources opinion.

I'm not sure I think this test produced any relevant data.

Take out the magic and any of these character would be right at home in actual history. I'd suggest reading a little more of that and you might see how close Martin actually gets to creating living breathing people.

Yes yes yes.

...This yeah he's treating 2,000 fans to the world premiere of his latest film Cowboys & Aliens...

"a time when it was freely intertwined with philosophy and theology, when analogies and metaphors were considered almost as good a form of evidence as data and observation."

The dive into the water and the whip are straight out of God of War III, which isn't necessarily a bad thing...

Harumph! Harumph!


If your reading Superman, your really not looking to have your intellect challenged, and if the story is any good, suspension of disbelief is effortless.

I loved the first two and I would be the first to pick up a new game that did the maps as an FPS but left the strategic side alone. I'm just not feeling it here though, it just isn't XCOM.

"...Narnia. It's the "Resident Evil" for adventure movies."

Had to listen to a lot of that as a kid, this cracked me up.