
Or you know, don't go 400 miles for Christmas. Kinda the point. Whoosh.

You worked hard to justify selfish behavior and somehow I’m the asshole.

I assume everyone travelling is a reckless, selfish asshole.

Americans are morons. You would swear that missing a holiday is equivalent to death.

Rode a High End Softail back in the 90's. It was fine, until I got back on my bike with half the weight and twice the HP with real brakes and a shifter that did not go BANG and smooth. And did not feel like it was going to fall into every corner (Could have been the tires)

Counterpoint; Everyone complaining about how crappy headlights are but what about those blindingly bright head lights. You know, the ones where you think the car behind you has its high beams on but they really don’t. That’s more dangerous than lights that are too dim.

“Maintaining the status quo” isn’t good government when the status quo fucking sucks, which it does. Our roads and bridges are falling apart, our climate is being disrupted, we’ve got truckers beached on the side of the highway because they’ll get slapped with fines if their datalogger says they’ve gone one minute

I think a lot of the height is because trucks went to a “flat floor” concept which makes the interior space SUPER convenient with no hump for the drive shaft, but obviously the body has to be mounted hire to accomodate that.

To build on your response

Dont fret. Changli has their best people working on that as we speak. 

  • a small pickup that will fit in a regular car space

Ford sells over a million trucks per year. It is blatantly obvious that they’re building trucks people want to buy. What you want will never happen for the price you demand with today’s safety regulations. Ever.

I swear, when I saw the lead image as a thumbnail on the home page, I thought it was a slightly-squashed image of a stanced Dodge Grand Caravan. Now I will forever see a Jetta wagon as a squashed Dodge Grand Caravan.

Yeah. Her confusion about what appears to be an ordinary 4 x 4 pickup has me wondering if this woman has ever been out of NYC. It’s not like it’s jacked up or equipped with the obnoxious Prius killer exhaust. My takeaway from this article is the author is a just a smug big city slicker ignorantly mocking a normal

I learned that posers rarely buy Power Wagons. I live in a very trucky (is that a word?) area, and I rarely ever see a Power Wagon.  Dozens of jacked up bro-dozers everywhere for the posers. 

No dice. Joan’s tapped into some crude, hacky, antisocial simulacrum of when Jezebel and Deadspin used to swap mastheads for a week, and it’s unfortunately working to draw bunches of slideshow rage clicks from Jalopnik.

Just to be clear here:

Fellow midwesterner, similarly unimpressed. Come visit us in the “flyover states” and we will wow you with our big, stupid trucks. Please...

To be one of “those” trucks, it’d need (a) bigger wheels (36" minimum), (b) 4" more lift, be immaculately clean (having rarely been off of suburban asphalt), (c) the absence of actual cargo in the bed (trucks don’t haul, do they?), and (d) more patriotic accoutrements (such as an actual American flag or, at a minimum,

6.57 would be average-ish. Nothing to be ashamed of.