
Thought that was a feature of an iPhone lol. my 4s was horrible after six months but my se has been much better

I try but I just can’t get over his whiny voice, I know that’s not a popular opinion here

And you wonder why more and more people are dd’ING pickup trucks

When did Gizmodo become the Onion?

Google oxi pickuptrucks.com for the biggest tacoma troll it’s horrible

Wonder what the fuel level was for these tests

This is on a 2012 based on the steering wheel controls, which would be the 66rfe transmission based of the 45rfe so it maybe a cable selected transmission I should go look at mine

They sell a panel, turns that hole into a cubby

For some reason i just don’t get the drift scene. What’s the point? Just turn tires into smoke?

I don’t get the longer bed argument, even with the tailgate up you need to strap the atv in. And you lose payload with the longer box which makes it less useful

Ram will still sell you one. Probably not for too much longer though, can’t belive that they are selling very many. The automatic has to many advantages.

Who is buying $70,000 cars/boats/anything? People that want to?

I watched a few of his videos and stopped when he put his exhaust through his trunk, after seeing the welds and cuts on those pipes I don't even want to see the welds on his suspension that was done way before with even less experience the exhaust

Journalism on gawker, lol

Isn’t this pretty much what happened to the british tabloids, very little fact checking = shit articles that led to them getting sued all the time until they actually started to do some half way real journalism

Or a sledge hammer with a little more reach

I unfortunately feel the same way, racist against sport bikes I guess.

All of the good writers pretty much jumped ship over the last year, the ones that are left are the ones that couldn’t get another gig

Maybe it was that mic but that exhaust needs some major tuning, every gear shift had me cringing

It’s a thirdgen, it’s either put your hand there or on the ground to roll in and out. Not really any other options on these cars