
I am looking at silverado’s right now and would make the drive down for the right deal, not really sure how to message on jalopnik so I’m trying this

He won’t last much longer here lol

I thought gawker was dead? Why the Fuck is this on gizmodo

Didn’t usa top gear do a trump bit on cars?

What cant i haul in my 5.5ft bed that i can in an 8ft?

SVT models never get factory rebates either, always excluded

Ya a new fuel pump/sender and it doesn’t look that bad, or maybe I’ve been watching to much mcm

It’s got David Tracy written all over it

Ever use gore tex?

This is why I buy new and drive’em for the first 100,000 miles not the last

For a current un modded/stock diesel it is pretty good. Emissions is a bitch

If you cook them all day in the crock pot there not bad. Kind of like turkey necks though got to suck the meat off the bone

what about start stop? but officer my engine was off

No lie, slush storm last year seen some crazy shit go down. Happy I didn’t crash the company van