
I get the issue. I think whitewashing as a whole is not a good thing (if that wasn’t clear I apologize). If this sort of shit was pulled with another adaptation, like Akira (Don’t do it Hollywood.), I’d flip shit for pretty much the reasons you’re outlining.

If you’re gonna go, go big

Uh so....where do I go to see who has looked at my story?

I get the Ghost in the Shell controversy, a little too well since I’ve seen/read every bit of GitS media in existence (three times in most cases). The charge of “whitewashing” always seemed a bit off in terms of ScarJo’s character, it can be made but it didn’t seem to completely fit based on the extremely complicated

Why the blue bloody fuck has he been given this many chances? Is there ANY precedent for this? Especially given the nature of the charges?

Also how does he still have fans?

I want American Ninja Warrior to win just so they can take the piss and add their play by play to the acceptance.

Gawker was lucky

Depending on salary the once (twice for AS?) a year crunch might actually be better for her.

I actually think keeping her grounded wouldn’t be as hard as you’d think, she understands the stage and stakes of Drag Race. Now will it affect her health? Yes. While I’d love to see her take a bigger role in Drag Race I’d prefer she stay alive.

I’m 95 percent sure this is due to a fair pay law in the UK not out of the goodness of their hearts

Wait low grades means punitive measures?

Shouldn’t that be tutoring?

How badly do you have to suck at business to fuck up The AV Club and The Onion? - A Case Study

I think you misunderstood my “Bye”

It meant have fun in prison. You know, once district attorneys do their fucking job.

Depends on who is serving as Ru, you’d want someone that plays off the host while having a knowledge of Drag and empathy for the endgame of the series.

You know, there are some products that just line up in theory.

And then should stay there.

This is the most powerful effect the coverage of sexual assault and assailants can have.

And its the reason we need to have these conversations, not just to make people pay for their past indiscretions but to stop future ones from happening.

I think if RPDR is serious about “The Next Generation” both Ru and Visage need to go. Can they contribute? Yes, but recently Ru seems more like a gatekeeper than she should so getting rid of that will help spice up the room.

Bye Russell.

The lawsuit is going to be amazing, the best.