The “civility” they demanded then stamped on.
The “civility” they demanded then stamped on.
Ok. For real though how the fuck do I get on this show.
And can my category be Japanese Animation and Rupaul’s Drag Race.
Can we also talk about how when Russia brought up the proposition it passed just fine?
Or are we just gonna make Trump loves boobs jokes?
I don’t mind I just need to thump my head enough to get in the right mindset
Let him melt.
I think this might have been his last great (only?) tv role. Even in Family Guy he went fucking nuts.
I love TGS for the offbeat shit you won’t see elsewhere (also the SEGA merch booth). So Nintendo can kind of fuck off for all I care.
On the one hand, civility. On the other hand, all those fuckers on the other side who said horrifically racist things about the previous First Lady but will somehow be offended by this.
MSNBC: Wait what will our corporate overlords say while still looking like we lean left oh wait Chris Matthews is talking about the fucking Kennedys again just run that.
Nothing personal against any of the girls but the way this season went down the faster we leave it behind the better. Aquaria won and deserved to be in the top, the I liked Kameron but I can definitely see where people come from in saying she doesn’t deserve to be there (I disagree but hey I’m also not a…
I honestly see more coverage of these guys being toolbags then doing anything actually worth looking why do we look at them at all? Just let them die in their corner.
I think I’ve said something similar to every other RuCap I’ve commented on, that the girls don’t deserve the reputation they’re going to be slapped with as a whole because they are (for the most part) actually talented queens.
That disclaimer out of the way.
THANK FUCK IT’S OVER. The finale lipsyncs were...a thing. I…
Why is Bella Thorne a thing
See I can get behind this but come on. Hammond the Hamster voiced by the Actual Hammond Hamster. This is the one time I’ll go against Crews (don’t hurt me Terry ilu)
She’s been bad but tolerable. Now she’s just bad.
She wants democrats like her to win, no one else.
For actual professional politicians the Democrats are really bad at this whole politics thing.
Please let Richard Hammond VA this.
I just want game 3 to end with a walk off single that smacks Heimlich in the balls.
God it’s like they’re slapping a “PRIMARY MY ASS PLEASE” sign on their asses.
Hey Bill.