
Logic and reason have never been the strong points of people who get fired up into a blind rage over video games.

We had a fascinating slack/breakroom discussion about this at our studio, and the take-way was that neither the fans or the Immortal devs are really to blame or deserve scorn. It’s those who made the behind the scenes choices leading up to this past weekend that truly deserve the ire.

Even just a title card, as hated as those can be would have cushioned some of the blow of Immortal.

Some say groveling, some say stating facts! 

Hi guys and gals! I make fun and good, and insightful and snarky comments on such GMG sites as Deadspin, Jezebel, Jalopnik, Splinter, Gizmodo and their respective verticals.  David brought me out of the grays here and I believe I am worthy. Please consider Andrew Daisuke for re-instatement, I am an avid weekday and

I can’t tell if this is another Kaepernick is still not playing post or a plea to get Tim Tebow out of baseball.

I am a resident of WA state and had the privilege last night to sit at my kitchen table with my wife and fill out our ballots. We had a conversation about the candidates and propositions while flipping through the voter pamphlet.

Yeah, registering and voting in Texas is a bit of a minefield. Which is probably why Texas ranks near bottom in voter participation. The stories are all too common. Just this year alone, I have already heard of a handful of stories of people who have registered and verified their registration online only to be turned

I mean, you call it alienation, I’m going to call it tough love. I’m not much older than these people and I’m not going to sit idly by while their apathy literally ruins my future.

Yeah. I was a freshman in college on 9/11.

Exactly! If they don’t wake up and vote, things will only get worst. Change never happens overnight but it will get so much worst if GOP continues to control everything since the Census is coming up & they already have plans for a constitutional convention that will make it harder to vote and screw these kids for life!

Battlefield 1 Premium Pass is on its last day of being free on Xbox Live. So now is the perfect time to grab that!

Why yes Kiryu. Yakuza do kill people.  In fact, people die when they are killed.

Hot Take: Hiring her for those reasons was bad enough in the first place. NBC has realized they can do more by exploiting pretending to embrace progressive stances like #MeToo and #BLM.

Never Forget...

Sounds like Yakuza work, or someone with a strong grudge.

wouldn’t that be “made-of-shit pistol” ?  Make-shit pistols launch hot feces.

My first reaction was an eyeroll, but then I remembered how frequently I block and mute people in Overwatch, and ... well, you aren’t wrong. I’ve played video games for 35+ years and even though I’m still a solid 20+ hours/week gamer, I no longer identify as a “gamer” because of the toxic behavior that’s become so

Is that Scott from HQ trivia? It all makes sense now.