
I’m disappointed but I certainly understand it.

I mean he’d have more authority than he did in the DNC.

Wait, when the flying fuck did the “Wedding Cake” get co-opted by the church?

If only you consented it’s not consensual sex.

Do you help or have you helped the entire LGBTQIA community? Yes? Then have fun. No? WHY ARE YOU HERE.

No. I want the world to absorb the fact that he’s legally considered guilty before the wave of “he wasn’t that bad right” pieces come out to wall paper over his past upon his death.

Very much a bunch of Kool-Aid drinkers in the showrooms and with their Energy department. Met with their solar team to evaluate the costs and it was a touch too high for comfort, told them my wife and I needed time to consider a bit longer (the proposal was still good for a month or two) and got the phone slammed down

What happens when someone shows up based on the pictures and the lighting and other image specific things don’t line up?

While the numbers are significantly skewed (ESPECIALLY THE NEW PLAYLIST), I do have to ask what the breakdown of the “possible” songs are. IE: Is new music sitting at 55/45 Men to women and being skewed to 65/35?

Also the music industry is shit.

Please, take Destiny 2 out back Ole Yeller style. Come back to the Destiny universe once you have your head straight Bungie.

Hey maybe when we report people for abusive chat actually look into it?

At what point does MSNBC say “Bye”? Are they too scared to ask Melissa Harris Perry to come back? I legitimately don’t understand their strategy.

10 white moms and Bobby Finger*

“Law And Order” at work.

People actually facing consequences for their dumb tweets? Am I in the right timeline right now?

They had me until “NIS America”

The angry YS fan inside me is still pissed at them.

The Koming of Kameron is everything. After Yuhua got sent to immigration she became my hope for this season.

Counterpoint: Do not actually fuck these people, they don’t need to reproduce.


*Portnoy doxxes and/or harrasses multiple people*


A dog show joke featuring a dog that has a human voice and told to deal with a sexually uncomfortable situation by going to a “happy place” mentally.