
I typically disagree with this group but yea, rape jokes. Not a great look.

Can I send her the dictionary definition of “Enabler”? Would that help?

Seriously though, fuck this show.

If this doesn’t work out for Joey Bats he can come be Odor’s punching bag so the Rangers can beat someone.

I take great joy in voting against him. Haven’t won yet but I will.

(Also fellow texans vote in your primary runoff today please.)

Logic! BURN THE HERETIC. - Bungie

Brostool has actual content?

He actually got an MLB contract after that shitstain of a season he did for the Rangers?

My personal opinion is that Obama and his campaign team were still more than a bit pissed about the 08 DNC fuckwittery but kept trying to make it work so as to not look bitter. So they kept hands off and things went to shit, including an utter shit get out the vote effort at every level. Obama ran the show nominally

Next season maybe. She needs to get out of her own head and coming back this season would be too soon.

I mean...the biggest issue wasn’t that you couldn’t do things with friends but that there weren’t things to do period...I applaud them for continuing to work on this game for essentially free though

Oh thank god, this means NO FUCKING COMEBACK QUEEN. This season finally does something right (besides Rupaul slapping queens last week)

The correct answer is “Not enough”

Also I have 500 plus games on Steam. Send a shovel.



It’s simply down to supply drying up. Everything else was top notch

The good news is Hibiki Japanese Harmony (unaged rated) is amazing and usually pretty available stateside

The Vixen is a great drag queen but a terrible contestant for this kind of production/competition. I felt bad rooting against her but it was honestly for her own good to get out of all this and I think this season will be distinctly better for her removal.

Oh Fox, you keep fireflying things after all these years?

Almost Human fans (it might just be me now but I WILL NOT STAND DOWN) join our B99 brethren in a hearty “FUCK FOX”

On your second bit, if it’s like the steam link device yes as long as it’s loaded into steam’s library on your computer you can access it.

Yes I can. Do they target different audiences to a certain extent? Yes. They still all provide a video game ecosystem and games for that same ecosystem. How can I not expect them to act in a similar fashion?

Also yes it is only sections of Microsoft and Sony that are involved in gaming but they’re pretty much