You win the internet. The prize is time alone in a windowless, camera-free room with an NFL running back of your choice. Pick wisely!
You win the internet. The prize is time alone in a windowless, camera-free room with an NFL running back of your choice. Pick wisely!
The reason is that the CBA, to which the players agreed, explicitly gives the owners the right to do that. If the players want to be able to cut bait and run, they can negotiate for that right.
And people wonder why the NFL is so serious about making sure its players don't get stoned.
If you think this is unfunny, great. If you're actually offended by it, then you're just looking for things to be offended by and you should probably stop doing that and try to enjoy life a little more.
Dammit, if we can't rely on our commercials to teach us valuable life lessons while also advertising products and services, we as a society are fucked.
I hate myself for loving this so much.
The HURR made me think you were an idiot, but then you followed it up with a DURR...and completely redeemed yourself!
Wow. I used to read your stuff on Kotaku, and elsewhere, all the time. You've been one of my favorite video game bloggers. But I didn't realize you were such an asshole (and I say this not about the initial joke, but the juvenile, bitter responses to the people who commented on it). Too bad.
I've never been happier to be unfamiliar with a particular community, based on your comparison.
well, heavens to betsy.
i bet you rape alot.
No, they're just thinking, "I want to make something in this game, and I'm cool with that something being rape." Not much more comforting.
I'm sure all the modders out there appreciate you lumping them in with people who go out of their way to take non-rapey games and make them into rapey games.
I play GTA on PS3 (and if I was on PC, I'm sure I'd mod the shit out of it). Not once have I thought, "You know, this game is great, but you know what would make it better? If I could make it look like my character was raping the shit out of people." I'm not usually one to say that my experience is universal to all…
So what? Someone took a game in which, as designed, the player does not have the ability to rape people and added the ability for the player to make it appear as though he or she is raping people. Why does a technical description of how they accomplished this change anything?
I'm not sure why you think that distinction makes any difference.
they got some sick fuckers in Connecticut
What the hell kind of person starts playing GTA and thinks, "I wonder how I can make these characters rape each other?" Worse, what kind of person then dedicates actual time and effort to making this a reality?
Young Man Has Fun Playing Baseball; Older Men Show Him Error Of His Ways
Hunter Pence comments on Deadspin but nobody ever stars his comments.