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Come, check out the murderous robots of Sunset Overdrive's Gamescom gameplay trailer. The game lands on Xbox One on October 28. Until then, enjoy "absent minded scientist" Floyd's narration of the carnage.

Oh! BF4 has switched to open beta now!?

This isn't going to change. It's a hit-driven industry; the vast majority of games aren't going to recoup their development costs. What's truly scary–to me, anyway–is that this logic is going to hit the indie development scene soon, and it's going to hit hard. It's not going to be as newsworthy, because the studio

Yeah, super crowded with all those oh wait they were delayed to 2015 too.

Not you too!

*starts giving CPR to Alien: Isolation*


Aw man :(

Mr. Lifeoftheparty over here!

That's pretty good. Too bad that if you even dare to hang any of those on your house's/office's walls people will label you as tacky (and that is a kind word.)

I love those guys... this news blows a goat.

I hope they can make this game to their original vision, making it really open world experience.


Played through it like 4 times, the story significantly changing each time I did it. Even the gunplay could be fun once you got a decent bit in.

I'm with you man. MGS is one of the most annoying things to come out of video games in a long time. I have never understood why people go batshit crazy for these game with mediocre gameplay and completely stupid story lines. But hell, I'm sure I like plenty of stuff that other people think is stupid.

the MGS stuff is just horrible. Terrible, melodramatic randomness. Its the ramblings of a mad man with the money to animate them.

Im so sad anyone thinks its good.