
What's so boring about History??? I'll never understand people that don't care to learn about the past.

Got to say I don't really like the art style at all.
It's just a bit...bland, I get that minimalism is the big thing these days but, ah well. Still sounds interesting as a concept so I'll probably get over it!

Damn... RIP H.R. Giger.

Why? Few if any of these games need any kind of "mothership" connection for their singleplayer. And like I say in the post, the bigger MP titles will soon - if they don't already - have fan-run online services.

Do you want to know the definition of insanity?

Yes, typically fans and Kotaku readers are horrible people with horrible ideas. I wouldn't listen to us.

Yeah, Dark Souls did not grab me as something that's as fantastic as everyone else seems to think. Sub par graphics and a mediocre story aren't aspects of a good game for me. Is it hard? Yes. Jesus yes - but that doesn't make it good/rewarding.

This is a weird thing to me - games created with the sole purpose of pissing people off. I can't get addicted to purposefully bad controls and difficulty, but I guess that's just me.

One of the brains behind the surreal indie game Hyper Light Drifter just unveiled his next pretty-looking project. It's called Kyoto Wild, and you can learn (a little bit) more about it here.

I'm getting sick of this shit. The movie is coming, keep your pants on. There will be a Wonder Woman movie and then people will be up in arms asking where the black green lantern movie is, and when that comes they'll be screaming for an openly gay superhero movie, and when that comes it'll be a transgendered

Black Ops 2 beat you to it.

Read that as Call of Duty: Postmortem Warfare at first. That would be... different.