Now playing

Some of the creatures are, evidently, female. Females, in general, have breasts. :/

This was to be expected

You've got to respect a man secure enough in his wig choices to cosplay Nicki Minaj. :)

The same can be said about the PS4. Seriously neither console has any worthwhile games.

A plastic tablet was also unearthed just under the topsoil:

Well, that just dropped the value of anybody who as the game from -100 to -101.

I find it extremely clever that he kept his face right outside the shots.

Then yeah, I agree. I think good art/audio direction is sorely lacking in a lot of games. Sure the graphics are realistic but what's the point if everything looks the same as any other game?

I agree. It's getting a little trite at this point.

Yes! God knows I built an i5 with 16GBs of RAM and an nVidia GTX 760 PRECISELY so I can play the shit out of a highly pixelated RPG game..

Video tape of Luke on the beach.

There's the door.


This just took a turn into Saints Row territory.

The cynicism of gamers could solve the world's energy crisis if only we could harness it! Unfortunately, we can't, but at least I find it amusing to see everyone shit all over a game they've never played before after watching nine minutes of footage (and let's be real, most people didn't sit through the whole thing,

My favorite part:

watch the video.

I hate to be the person that you're likely going to stick on the wrong side of that "awesome" line, but maybe it's because this article, unlike a lot of similarly themed articles on Kotaku, doesn't devolve into a negative diatribe about the form of media everyone loves here based on generally sketchy logic.