
Bad CGI is bad.

I don't think anyone seriously envisions EA as some sort of cartoonish, Snidely Whiplash-esque villain willing to spend millions of dollars just to piss in everyone's cornflakes.

Government grade PCs probably couldnt' run Oregon Trail. Just sayin...

Sadly, my conscience would prevent me from ever doing this. I'd feel absolutely terrible about it. This served as a good warning though. I pity the fool who tries to pull this one on me.

The difference is that these shots weren't *meant* to be public. ;)

I always wonder who watches stuff like Honey Boo Boo. I suspect its people like you.

So the company that might actually respond to it's customer base deserves worst company in America, while the companies that blatantly do not give a shit don't?

You've explained why EA is bad, you haven't exactly explained why they need to be voted as the worst company 3 times in a row. EA focuses on making money above all, yes, does that compare with Bank of America doubling rates at a whim, or Comcast nigh having a monopoly in many areas?

At it's worst, EA is a crappy game company that makes questionable marketing decisions. At it's worst.

And I'm still confused. Yeah, some shitty things happened, but people always seem to let that overshadowed some of the good things they've done too.

Oh golly, maybe this year gamers will grow up a little bit and realize that the imagined wrongdoings of a company that makes video games aren't even remotely in the same league as the actual 'bad companies' out there.

Or maybe they'll continue to do exactly what they've always done and be loud-mouthed children because

I'm going to wait until the game costs $5.... sounds more appropriate for that length.

I can't help but feel like this is just one big cash grab from Konami. It would be as if they had sold the Tanker chapter of MGS2 as it's own separate game, or the Virtuous Mission portion of MGS3. It's pretty obvious this was meant to be packaged alongside Phantom Pain, and it wouldn't surprise me if it was.

Here's to Cowboy Bebop.

So you are going to make yourself wait even longer..?

There isn't. It actually looks like it's more an ad for the PS4's video sharing capabilities that just so happens to feature Destiny, allowing them to get around that.

I don't think anyone is disputing that Bioshock: Infinite is a staggeringly good looking game. It may not be the best game out there, but the story and presentation are top-notch.

Mirrors Edge did a good job with the whole first person non "shooter" thing. We need more of that.

Guns don't kill good game design. People kill good game design.