
Also known as:

It's funny how quick Rupert Murdoch's (of FOX NEWS fame) bullshit tabloids blame EVERYTHING but the guns. Not really funny, but sad. The NRA has their hands so tightly wrapped around the GOP's nuts that blue-balls have turned purple. We're literally being told that it would be better to "monitor" all gameplay and all

I believe that Fox News should be made illegal. Their programs cause aggression in people and incite violent behavior! I, for example, I want to go and murder the shit out of every Fox News reporter, and then torch the building!

But god forbid we track people who own/use ACTUAL firearms.


Just like vampires!

You have to accept invites from people in order to work.


Here's the Assassin's Creed progression from their first era:

So...you are a fanboy that wasn't purchasing a XB1, that watched an ad not intended for you and you were unaffected and then came to Kotaku to share your disappointment that an ad not aimed at you for a product you don't want was ineffective.

You're kind of an idiot.

Xbox One caters to all around entertainment junkies more than pure video gamers.

Aren't they just going to be running multiple commercials for this new console?

Rome wasn't patched in a day.

Seems to me that Microsoft is the one thats trying to be next-gen. May not be used by everyone, but the ability to watch TV and play Games at the same time on the same screen would seriously benefit my family

Welp. Time to choose the smallest, most obscure band of barbarians in a corner of Europe and take down the entire Roman Empire again.

Grand Moff Tywin is a mash up that needs to happen.

That depends on whatever contractual obligations exist between Gearbox and the nascent studio making the game. If Gearbox is paying the bills now, they can shut the studio down by just turning off the money spigot, while at the same time contractually obligating that studio to churn out work, meet deadlines and