
Yeah, I kind of discount their yo-yos because of personal preference. Anything remotely butterfly shaped hurts my hand after awhile, and I have no problem doing string tricks with a traditionally shaped yo-yo.

Because these games aren't going to be around forever. Automatic billing for car insurance is fine, I'll always need that. But somehow I doubt I'll be playing COD in 5 years, or that they'll still be making content for it by then. But I'm sure if I don't cancel my subscription they'll still happily take my money.

Aw really? I stand corrected. I probably made that mistake because COD Elite is a subscription. My mistake. I still say that recurring single-game subscriptions like Elite are dirty.

Why does everyone gloss over that this is a subscription? Like as in you have to actively cancel it. It's not just a one time fee, you will be repeatedly billed if you don't cancel. Game specific subscriptions are a dirty, dirty business.

Many gamers already do something like this. I mean, when I was collecting all of the Riddler Trophies in Batman:AC I had my tablet right there with maps, videos and the whole lot. I got all the trophies in Batman:AA as well, but it wasn't nearly as pleasant as it was with my tablet.

You do realize he died from doing insane stuff at great heights, right? But whatever, it's better to live a fulfilled life and die young than to sit at a computer screen until you're old calling these people crazy or stupid.

Jeez, Is it just the k series or is it all of the i7-2600s? That's a pretty popular processor (I have a machine with one in it.)

Yo-yo technology has very much moved on. This beauty is the now classic Tom Kuhn SB-2. All Aircraft Aluminum with ball bearing axle. They retail for $89 and I actually own two of them, the classic polished silver, and the ruby. Most Yo-Yo companies are now copying the innovations brought to the table by the the

SO you know autistic people and yet you still make senseless comments like that? What a douchebag.

The cheap Mac and Cheese you add the cheese powder after you boil and strain the noodles.

Troubleshooting SAP issues makes me want to throttle necks and break faces. GRRRR.

Personally, I can't believe the no one has realized that the Black Eyed Peas are a horrible idea.

Yeah, it booted fast. But I had to wait 15 minutes to play Ultima off a floppy disk.

They enlarged everything to make them more Kinect-friendly to grab at with gestures. Love or hate the Kinect, it's a function over form decision, which I applaud whole-heartedly.

OMG the funniest, most tasteless joke I've read all day. Kudos to Walljasper.

I was going to mention that the man in the picture is R.U. Sirius, as the photo and article fails to identify him.

I was playing GTAIII on my Android Tablet yesterday, and found that I couldn't turn the sound up. I had to back out of the game and do it. I thought it was weird, and now today I know why.

I was going to say the same thing. Jury duty is interesting, and important to our justice system to boot. I'd rather go there than my shit job and still get paid like I was at that job.

I get a lot of hate messages when playing Xbox online, people crying about losing, crying that I'm a "hacker", or crying that I'm "camping". I usually message them back with "I love the taste of your tears."

You know what the industry hard drive failure rate is?